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                                          IT WAS DARK OUT WHEN SHE FINALLY ARRIVED IN CENTRAL CITY. Streets were filled with dozens of people smiling and laughing amongst themselves, which was odd considering it was a Tuesday night. Eden was far from different because after she had arrived, she hadn't bothered to unpack her things and rather put on a simple pair of dark jeans, a white tank top with a red leather jacket and made her way to a bar. She doubted she would be drinking that night.

The person she was keen on seeing at said bar didn't even expect her arrival, she hadn't even told him she was permanently moving to the city. To him, it would be a surprise, to her, she just wanted to to his his ridiculous reaction. How she knew he was in bar was all thanks to her ability trace the location of cellphones with a GPS. Nothing too special.

Eden was glad that she would be actually seeing her brother again after what seemed to be years, when actually it was months. She had visited Central City prior to her current visitation but back then, she was clueless on the revelation her parents made a few months ago. That was actually why it had taken so long for her move. She knew it was their parents she was angered with, it was by no means Eddies fault that her parents chose to with hold very vital information, but it did change things if Eddie did know about it and chose not to tell her. They were practical twins after all. They wouldn't lie to each other, right?

While thoughts continued to pile up within her mind, she entered the bar with a lost expression on her face. Her eyes maneuvered around the enire bar taking note that it was completely packed, something she still found extremely strange. Her mind was telling her to find him first, but her feet definitely told her to get one small drink. Making her way to the bar, she took a seat on a stool giving the bartender her order almost immediately, a club soda. She of course couldn't drink because she knew she was a light weight and a bad drunk, another reason would be that it wasn't her current mission. And besides, who drank alone in a bar? That was just sad.

Before her eyes could wonder the bar in search of her target, someone, rather some man, sat beside her making a loud screech with a stool clearly to get her attention. She just had to show up to a bar with a tight tank top. She blamed Eddie. "Hey beautiful, what's your name." His words slurred together, he was drunk. The biggest face palm would have been made but she remembered that she was surrounded by plenty of people. She didn't want to embarrass herself.

With a roll with her eyes she answered with, "Not interested." Just as she was about to get up with her drink to get away from the certainly older man, he wrapped his arm around her waist. He hummed in delight, something she found completely disgusting. "I do like them feisty."

She was by no means a confident woman, she was by far the biggest loser she knew. But if she was messed with, even in the most inappropriate way, she was bound to do something to protect herself. And so, with all the strength she could master, careful not to actually break anything, she took his index finger from her waist, removed it and bent it at an awkward angle, allowing him to release a small cry of pain. "Well I'm sorry grandpa, I like them younger." She silently congratulated herself for that comeback. If she was actually being honest he didn't even look that old, he was maybe twenty years older than her. Probably had a wife and kids and yet he sat beside a twenty four year old, nauseatingly flirting with her when he could actually be at home with his family. Men were generally sickening she came to find.

Before the man could say anything else, someone else arrived and wrapped his arm around her waist. She inwardly groaned, when was she actually going to do what she actually came there for? She couldn't face two men at the same time but she was as sure as hell going to try, although she was probably sure it wasn't going to go well. Her mouth open to retaliate to the newest addition of her company, a younger man that she barely glanced at, but she was cut off. "Dude, don't mess with my girlfriend." Though he was brave, he didn't sound like the 'I'll save a woman in a bar' type. She did however, give him points for effort.

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