One shots I guess?

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             ~Ricky's POV~

Ghost laid his head in my lap, and I absentmindedly played with his hair as he conversed with the others. About what, I don't know seeing as I had my ear buds in. I took in the detail of his gorgeous and oh so feminine shoulders. I brushed my thumb gently across his left collarbone, thinking about how he ever ended up with me. Because I'm... well... me. And he's Ghost. He's so gorgeous. From his soft black locks that fell just below his ears, to his very gorgeous feet, which might I add means a hella lot coming from me since I hate feet. (A/N since this is my book, this is 2011 Ghost.) My self esteem was about as high as the depths of hell, and don't even get me started on how much I despise social events. I came out of my trance with a start when Ghost lightly shook my shoulder. I looked around after I pulled my ear buds out and noticed that the guys had left. Ghost spoke, "Baby, are you ok?" I told him that I was fine, just tired. He nodded, clearly not believing me. I got up and strode into the kitchen, grabbing a small container of cinnamon applesauce and a spoon, heading back to the living room. Ghost asked "What are you eating for supper?" I gestured to the applesauce, and noticed the slight frown making it's way upon his face. "Are you sure you don't want anything else?" I sighed internally and headed to the kitchen to make some ramen noodles, knowing that if I didn't eat a little more, he'd continue to ask me. I felt his arms snake around my waist as I stood by the stove, waiting on the water to boil. He kissed my cheek softly and said "Thank you."

I turned around and looked at him, confused. "For eating. I know that all you've had today is a thing of applesauce, excluding the one you just had."

I looked down and said "Oh..." I turned back to the stove, and poured the noodles into the bowl, standing on my tiptoes, one leg behind me in the air, making me look like a ballerina trying to reach the creole seasoning. Ghost giggled at me, that's right, he fucking giggled. And it was pretty goddamn cute. I giggled along with him, and he pecked my lips softly mid-giggle.

"I love you," he whispered. I wrapped my arms gently around his waist, replying

"I love you, too." He kissed the tip of my nose, and grabbed my noodles from behind me and nudged me into the living room, saying that he was going to fix himself some noodles. I put in Jeepers Creepers and sat down on the loveseat, curling my legs under myself as I did. I waited until Ghost sat down beside me to start eating.

"Babe, you didn't have to wait on me."

I swallowed a noodle without chewing and replied "I wanted to." We finished our meal in a comfortable silence. Once the movie was over, I had somehow managed to end up on the floor. I had my legs stretched out in front of me. The ending credits were playing, and Ghost crawled into the floor with me. He sat in front of me between my legs, with his legs on either side of me, and crossed around me. I curled up my legs under him so it would be more comfortable. He leaned down and rested his head in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around him, clasping my hands together so I was actually holding him. He embraced me around my shoulders, clasping his hands as well. We sat like this for a while, neither of us talking, just enjoying each other's presence. Slowly, he leaned back a little, only to lean forward an connect our lips in a sweet, passionate kiss. When he pulled away, he was smiling softly, to which I pecked his nose, making him giggle. He got off me and I whined, making him playfully roll his eyes. He helped me up and we went to out bedroom, where I put on my black and red rock band night pants and my MCR shirt. Ghost slept in his worn out Metallica shirt and plain black sleep pants. Once he got in bed after turning off the light once I turned our fan on, we cuddled like always.

He kissed me for a brief second and softly said "I love you. So, so much." I smiled a little, all my doubts from earlier fading away.

I said "I love you, too."

(A/N Holy shit, this took me an hour to write.)

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