Maybe I should forget my jacket more often (Frerard)

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              ~Frank's POV~

Jesus fucking Christ, I thought. Why in the actual fuck is it so cold? Maybe because it's the middle of December, fucktard. I rolled my eyes at myself and went back to shivering. I had no real reason for being out right now, beside because I wanted to be. I was turning a corner at an old brick building, becoming more wary of the ever darkening gray sky, when I collided with none other than my boyfriend, Gerard. He looked so gorgeous in the snow, especially with his be bright red hair splayed out around his face. A look crossed his face that basically said 'Why the fuck don't you have a jacket?' I was laying on top of him, momentarily distracted from the bitter cold. I said

"Hey, stranger." He giggled and looked up at me with his gorgeous Hazel eyes that were surrounded by long midnight black lashes.

He spoke "Why don't you have a jacket, Frank?"

I replied "Why do you have a jacket, Gerard?" Mocking him.

"Shut up, you shit-head." He said, then pulled my face down towards his and connected our lips.

I stood up and bowed, offering my hand to Gee. "M'lady." He rolled his eyes, but accepted my hand. We walked with fingers intertwined back to our flat, me shaking the entire way (A/N "shaking the entire way" lol)

We entered our cozy two bedroom flat and he pushed me into a sitting position by the fire.

"I'm gonna go make some hot chocolate, stay here." He stated, pecking my red nose. I nodded in response. A few minutes later, he strolled back in with two cup of hot chocolate, handing the one in the dark purple mug to me. I took it gingerly, trying not to burn my hands. We sat for a few minutes in silence until Gerard blurted out "I love you."

I smiled softly and, though we'd exchanged 'I love you's' many time, it still felt special.

"I love you, too, Gee." He put down his mug and outstretched his arms, reaching for me and giving me puppy dog eyes. I tried to hold out, but failed. "Goddammit." I said, placing my mug down and tackling him with cuddles. He placed his warm lips on my still-cold ones, heating them. By now, I was laying on the couch under him, our tongues fighting for dominance, with his hands on my ass and mine were roaming his body.

He pulled away and whispered "Are you warm?"

"Hell yeah." I replied. He pecked my lips and got up, and we resumed drinking our now cold hot chocolate.

One-shots I guess?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang