The Wrath Of Abby

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I could feel everyone's eyes on me. The moms looked sympathetic, but none of them said anything. I ran into the changing room and sat on the toilet lid. I thought I was going to cry but not tears came. I was angry. At myself, and at Abby. Why put so much pressure on a kid? Why lead them to the point they were questioning the point in their own existence? 'Why am I doing this?' I thought to myself, 'All I get is pain, and insults. I need to put an end to this, and soon.'

Mom came in a minute later, I could hear her boots. 'Maddie?' She called 'Maddie where are you?!' I heard Holly's voice telling her where I was. A second later she was banging on the door. I reluctantly let her in. 'Maddie, what was that?' She asked, sad but a hint of annoyance in her voice too. I guess she was hoping this week I would prove to Abby I was just as good as I use to be. 'I don't know.... I second guessed myself on the timing.... It just fell to peices....' My voice sounded all weird, un confident and depressed. Not even scared of Abby. Mom looked at me. 'No, not your arial Maddie! I saw what happened then.' I stared at her. 'What then?' I asked. 'You didn't step on stage like you normally do. There was fear in your eyes, all the way through. It was so weird.' I nodded. I didn't feel scared while dancing, but it didn't feel right. After a long talk, we went back into the dressing room. The moms all told me I had danced well, apart from the fall, but I knew they were just being kind. The girls hugged me. 'Maddie it was fine!' Chloe told me, 'you did well.' I felt like crying. Why were they being so nice? I hadn't danced well, and it wasn't anything like fine. After Abby walked in, I sat through a 20 minute lecture from her. Normally that kind of thing would make me feel sad and weird, because I'm usually the one who gets off lightly with her, but this time, I didn't even care. I didn't care about anything now.

I didn't want to go back to ALDC on Tuesday. It was torture even walking in there. Even Mackenzie seemed angry at me when Mom told her what had happened. It was like I had murdered someone, the way Mom was treating me. Nia was the only one who had responded to my texts,but Kendall had read hers without replying, and the others didn't even bother. We lined up in the studio, ready for pyramid.

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