Moving day #1

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(Narraters POV)
'Twas a normal day in Jacksonville. It's just your average small town. Everyone knew each other so it was easy not to feel alone. Anyway our story starts with a 16 year old Gay boy named Y/N who's about to move to Darry another 'small' town with his mother.

  He was always home schooled when he was a kid and his mother always taught him what he needed to learn. But now that his mother found a job he has to go to a actual school.

(Your POV)
One Saturday morning I was awoken by my mother lightly shaking me and calling my name. "Y/N it's time to wake up. We're moving today ." 'Ughhhh. Why can't we just stay here.

This place it way better than where we're moving to.' I thought as my mother literally pulled me out of bed to get dressed. "Mommy please don't make us move" batting my eyes looking at my mother knowing she can't say no when I say "mommy" "doing that is not going to work on me today, and besides I already sold the house."

I was so shocked I didn't even hear her leave the room after saying get ready. "What just happened!?" Soon rage took over me wanting to not listen to her, but I know if I don't she'll actually kill me, and that's a problem, so doing the right thing I got dressed and did my hair.
When I say do my hair, I mean I do it(😏)like as in what girls do I guess you could say. I like to make myself look hot Incase I see any cute guys in Derry.
        When I was done I stomped downstairs knowing my mom hates that and walked into the kitchen to grab something to eat. I walked to the fridge to get food to find nothing there. I ran out and screamed "MOM SOMEONE STOLE ALL OUR FOOD!!!" "You dumbass I packed it all way for the move" what am I supposed to eat then" I said on the verge of tears.

My mother just gave me that look saying 'you got money don't you' 'fucking hate you' I thought and went to go get my wallet so I can get something for me and not my mother. She got money too.

There's this little cafe down the street so I went there. I always so here whenever I need to get away from my mom. There's this little library attached to the cafe so I always read a lot there. 'I'm really gonna miss this place' the thought of never coming back brought tears to my eyes.

Derry is so far from where we live, well used to live. I'm not gonna get used to this. I frowned and got my food which is a cup of ice cream and hot coco. (idc if you disagree with hot and cold it's fucking good) Knowing my mom would want something I forced myself to get her something, but because I was very mad at her I only got her a donut and a coffee.

When I arrived back home it looks like it got robbed. Everything was gone. Walking into the house I found mom sitting at the kitchen counter. Dropping her sad donut in front of her and gave her a glare. "Oh come on honey it's going to be fine. The house is not even that bad" Miss. y/l/n said "not that bad, really." I'm not happy with her.

I've lived in this house all my life. There's so many memories here that I can't give up just yet. After the devil was done eating she dragged me out of the house and threw me in the car. The whole ride there I was pouting and I didn't even care.

The ride to Derry is so long I feel like I can get in a coma for two years, wake up and still be driving.

Sorry I haven't been updating this story. I've ran out of ideas and started to lose hope, but how about this. I'll update this book every Saturday. Sound good? Good.

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