A new friend?

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I was confused. Who the hell put this here? I wanted to go down and look at it, but I didn't know if the person was still there. "We just moved here though, who did this?" I began to think it was mom, but I don't remember her ever getting balloons. Just then I heard a giggle behind me. I slowly turned around and started freaking out. I screamed. Screamed at the top of my lungs. I was scared for there was a 7 foot tall, freaky looking clown in front of me. The next thing I saw was all black...I passed out. Scared. I didn't know what would happen to me.

                      ~~Time Skip~~

I woke up in my bed. Confused on how I got there. Everything came back so quickly. The move, the balloons that had messages on them, and than the thing that freaked me out even more...the clown I saw just before passing out. 'Did he put me here?' I know mom can't pick me up. I'm too heavy for her to pick up. He had to of. Just then I heard a voice in my ear. "Of course I put you in your bed! You wouldn't want to sleep on the floor now would you?" The freaky looking clown asked me. "You have a heart? You actually care if I sleep on the floor or not?" He just looked at me shocked on why I would even say that... "why would I let such a handsome boy sleep on the floor and not in his own bed?" He started stepping closer to me, he bent down close to my ear and said "I just want to be your friend that all. Aren't friends supposed to be nice to each other?" He said.. I looked at him confused and shocked. "If we're friend then what's your name?" I looked at him dead in his cold, dead eyes. "Well, I'm pennywise the dancing clown!" He said as he giggled. I don't know what I just got myself into.

Sorry it's not a lot. Some stuff has been going on and I'm not feeling the best. I also just posted a new book, so if you want to check that out I'll be so very grateful. I'll try to upload more it's just hard with school and everything else. Stay safe and until next time!✌🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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Don't be scared....I'm your friend [Pennywise x Male! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now