chapter 8: a familiar face

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A/N: Hi everyone! I'm finally back!! I'm so so sorry for the long wait with this one. It's been like, 5 months since I last updated and I feel terrible about it! I really have no excuse for taking this long, other than my personal life has just been really hard  and messy and terrible and I haven't had any motivation to write. (I'm a little better now though, don't worry!) Plus, I really wanted to make this chapter super long, but now that i think about it, I would have never released the chapter if I made if as long as I planned, and I think this shorter chapter would be better for the pacing of the story. I hope you enjoy it, and please remember that I will never drop this story until I finish it! I hope you read it till the end, I won't leave you guys waiting this long ever again!



You and Kageyama both exhale, taking in the splendor of the gallery. It looked even bigger in the inside, and the ceiling was glass, letting the natural sunlight seep in. The floor and walls were an immaculate white. It made the vibrancy of the pristine installations and painting even more piercing. It smelled like paint, and it was so quiet, you could only hear the clicking of shoes on the marble floor. In the middle of the hall sat a beautiful grand piano, the interior of which glittered a buttery gold.

"This is... so cool!"

You squeeze Kageyama's hand tighter, speed walking through the hall like a kid in a candy shop. The walls were littered with beautiful work, all different sizes and shapes and textures. It was so interesting to see how different everyone was.

"Everyone here is so talented, Kageyama! Isn't it cool? Look at how different everyone's styles are... It's fun looking at everyone's work..."

"See? Nothing to be nervous about, right?"

"Mhmm!" you nod with a bubbly grin on your cheeks.

"Yo, everyone! Our stuff's over here!" Your club mate hollers from around the corner. You walk briskly, and in your eagerness to see the rest of Karasuno's work, you accidentally drop Kageyama's hand.

You smile at everyone's work, and their proud faces. All your club members had worked so hard for the past few weeks. You all gave up countless hours of sleep and relaxation, all for today. Moments like these, seeing everyone so happy reminded of just how much you loved art in the first place.

"Guys, I'm so proud of us! Everyone's work is so good! Right, Kageya- Huh?"

Instinctively you turn to Kageyama at your side, however, he's not there. Oh god, where did he go? Did he get lost? How could you lose someone as huge as him?!

You hear footsteps from afar, and see that more people from other school have come in. Oh goodness, you had to find Kageyama before it got too crowded! You stand on your tippy toes, squeezing through the crowd. Where could he have gone?

You turn around with a huff and there you spot him! His head of smooth, black hair pokes through the crowd of your club mates who were surrounding him. What was he even doing there?

"Kageyama! I thought I lost you...." you call out to him, but your voice hushes and your mouth goes dry when you see what he was looking at.

He was looking at your painting, hanging right there, bold and bright against the blank white wall.

He was staring so intently, his lips parted ever so slightly, yet he seemed to hold a bated breath. His eyes wide, with an almost childlike curiosity and a sparkle in them full of wonder. The reflection of the ceiling lights danced in his eyes like fireflies as his eyes darted around the canvas. His eyelashes, long and thick, cast delicate shadows on his slender cheek.

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