Why him?.... (Part 10)

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Evan POV

I laid in bed....i was waiting for the sleepiness to consume me...but it is so hard to sleep....i couldn't get what happened out of head....him on top of me....feeling his hot tongue on my neck along with a gentle bite ....i rubbed the part of my neck stained with his mark....it was tender....i turned my head to read the clock


i sighed and rubbed my head.....i couldn't shake this feeling it was in my head, what did it all mean? I'm not used to this type of...feeling? Is that even the right word? Why am I filled with all these questions? I am making more questions that need to be answered..... I sighed and tossed again this time facing the open window....I could see all the top of buildings and the beautiful lights of the night... It was killing me....I couldn't think straight....literally.... Jon filled my head and made me feel...how do I put it....angry? No. Sad? No. Happy? Close but no. What is this? I'm not so sure and I'm positive I'm not gay....I mean a gay villain? Yeah right! I could almost laugh

I couldn't take it anymore as I sat up from my bed and put on the proper clothing for a midnight walk...I put on my black hoodie that had "Down With Vanoss" ....seeing this kind of merch made me laugh. It had my symbol in gold and a red X going across it.... At the bottom of the shirt was written "Down with vanoss" in the same red that I can only guess as blood, It was somewhat awesome when I found this merch.....i also through on a white jeans....and of course I brought my pocket knife, the city ain't so safe at night also for you know who....I grabbed my Vanoss mask and walked out to my front door, making sure to lock it behind me. I set out for the night, and as soon as I walk out the cold night air touch my face, I shivered a little but just thought I should go to the park, its about a 10minute walk away but it was a nice night or...so I thought.

Jonathan's POV

I tossed and turned the night away I wasn't sleepy, right now I wanted Evan in my arms and me kissing his neck hungrily but that ain't gonna happen..yet.....I just thought I would turn on the police scanner and listen to see if anything was gonna happen...its weird vanoss hasn't been attacking as much as he used to, I have no idea why...its like he is planning something...but I do remember this one time

*Flash Back*

I did my best to breathe through this heavy smoke but it filled my lungs, I was new to the bat suit and god was it heavy....I still need to get used to it if I wanna be the hero....people knew there was vital anti...I was coughing uncontrollably....the building I was in was on fire...the fire alarm was blaring and all I know is I'm in a hotel with the one of the most important men of los Santos, and some kind of terrorist blew it up with a bomb in the lobby.

My first time meeting him 2 years ago.....

I successfully managed to get every one out....but I couldn't find the guy, I came back in here to see if anyone else was in here, I ran from floor to floor listening for screams or anything but what I found was Him....

Hovering over the man I was looking for, was this boy ....his back was to me....he was smaller than me I would say about half a foot, I couldn't see his features cause something's blocking his face. Then I saw it..... in his hand was gun and in front of him was a blood splatter on the wall slowly dripping to the floor...

I was speechless, why would a boy kill this man?....my breathing pick up as I took a step further, I ended up stepping on broken glass that made a loud cracking g sound, alerting the intruder...it was dark in here but the fire was gonna be on this floor soon...

He faced me....his mask was a brown owl...the eyes of the owl were yellow and it was just above his head....his eyes were the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, they were like gold and a hint of rich honey, they were cold and filled with something I can describe as the lust for blood.....

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