sangria wine | tom holland | part 1

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You tapped impatiently on your knee as you blasted your favorite song in your earbuds. You and the man in front of you grew furious as honks were coming from all directions in the busy highway. Letting out a soft sigh, you pressed your fingers against your temples to ease the headache that was now growing.

The man in front of you signaled the driver to move faster to the destination. He looked at you and placed a hand on top of yours. His curls fell over his eyes as he looked at you.

"Everything is going to be alright Y/N and don't worry. I am very sure that this mission is going to be a success," he spoke in a soft whisper, as though his voice was supposed to comfort you.

"After these 10 years of me working for you, that's all you can say?" you cocked your head to the side.

"You can think of this as a new experience," he ran a hand through his curls. "anyways it's not somebody that you don't know."

"That's the problem, Ben!" your tone increased, startling Ben in front of you. He turned away and glanced at the road in front of him.

In the sweltering heat, you lied back in your seat and slowly drifted back to sleep.

"Yeah Z, I am going to leave London for awhile. Oh, I am going to France. I was going to meet my cousin there," you balanced your phone in between your ear ad your shoulder as you threw your clothes into your luggage bag.

"Jeez, that's unfair! How are you able to go on a vacation while I am stuck here acting like a secretary for an old idiot?" you chuckled at the exasperation of her voice.

"Hey, I finished my mission last week and I deserve this," you reasoned with her as you zipped up your bulging luggage bag.

"Bye, Y/N, duty calls," Zendaya ended the call as you dropped your phone on your bed. You dressed up and got ready to leave your house.

You smile triumphantly at the thought of the relaxing vacation awaiting you.

"The only thing stopping me now is," you paused, wanting to say that it was a plane ride, "a phone call from Ben?"

You picked up your ringing phone and placed it to your ear.

"Hey, Y/N, can you get in the black car that is parked to your right?" you turned to see a sleek black Audi and walked towards it.

You were confused because Ben always had a calm voice but now he sounded nervous and tensed up. Whatever the matter was, you knew it was very serious.

"Oh yes, good morning Agent Rose," Ben greeted you as soon as you got into the car. Agent Rose was your code name and Ben usually used it if you were on a mission or if there was an upcoming one.

"Ben, what is," even before you could ask, he interjected, "Driver, can you please drive to the hotel?"

The driver gave him a small nod and stepped on the accelerator. You were confused and gave Ben a strange look.

"What's going on? Don't tell me you booked a hotel for me at France. No, wait, that would be too kind of you," you crossed your arms.

"You packed a swimsuit, right?"

You woke up to someone shaking you and you saw Ben. You scowled at him and got out from the car. You inhaled a sharp breath as you saw the marvelous structure of the Five Seasons Hotel.

Ben led you in and you had to hold in your gasp when you saw the decor of the hotel. The soft golden light from chandeliers gave an ethereal look to the hotel and the couches were designed to make the guests feel more at home.

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