Chapter 6

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Ezra's POV
I open my eyes when I turn around and feel cold sheets beside me. I sit up and look around but Aria isn't in anywhere in the room and the bathroom door is open and the lights are off. Hoping that she hasn't left the house yet, I get up and go downstairs and find her in the living room, getting ready to leave.

"Good morning."

"God! You scared me!" She says, clearly startled, and turns around to see me, "I thought you were still sleeping." She says and wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me, "Good morning,"

"Are you leaving already?" I ask, "I was hoping we could have breakfast together."

"Umm..." She says and looks at her phone to check the time, "I really need to leave right now. I don't want to be late."

"Aria..." I sigh, "What's going on?"


"You're barely home anymore and I'm starting to get worried. I haven't asked any questions because I want to give you time and space to deal with everything but I can't help but be concerned.  Two weeks ago, you were spending your days either on the couch or in bed and while I'm incredibly happy that that is not the case anymore and that you've managed to leave the house and go back to having a normal life, I'm worried that you're bottling up your feelings again. You know you can trust me, Aria. You can tell me anything."

"I know. But I guarantee you- you have no reason to be worried. I am just trying to find my way through this and trying to find the best way to deal with everything. During those days I spent here, I thought a lot and I realized that I couldn't just stay here, pitying myself all day, as that wouldn't change anything. One day I woke up and knew that I had to do something and I did." She says, "I'm so grateful for you and for the space you've been giving me. You're the best husband I could have asked for and I promise you have no reason to be worried. I'm fine."

"Ok," I say, not convinced l, "but don't forget I'm always here."

"I know." She replies, "Now how about a date-night tonight? I have spent a lot of time out lately and I miss being with you."

"A date-night sounds great." I reply, "I miss being with you too."

"I'll be home by 6:30PM. Do you want me to take care of the reservations or do you want to?"

"I'll take care of everything, don't worry." I say.

"Ok. Thank you." She says and puts her coat on. "See you later. I love you. "

"I love you too" I reply and she kisses me before leaving the house.


"I'm sorry it took me so long but I really needed that shower." Aria as she walks in the living room, "We can go now."

"It's ok but if we don't leave now we might lose our reservation." I say and she gets her bag and coat and I open the door, "By the way, you look amazing."

"No, I don't. I barely had time to get ready."

"It's your smile." I tell her, "It's been a while since I saw you genuinely happy and I have to say I missed that smile." I add and she smiles.

We don't talk much on our way to the restaurant. Aria spends the whole time humming whatever song is on the radio and I occasionally glance at her, glad to see her this happy for the first time since we came back from our honeymoon.

"I haven't listened to this song since our wedding day!" She says when I park the car and turns the volume up. It only takes me a couple seconds to realize what song she's talking about and a huge smile spreads across my face as I think about the day we met and about our wedding day. Suddenly not in a hurry anymore, Aria gets closer to me and I wrap an arm around her shoulders. She then looks at me and smiles before resting her head on my shoulder and we stay still, listening to the song that means so much to us in silence, enjoying the moment.

We leave the car a couple minutes after the song's over and even though we're a bit late, there aren't a lot of people in the restaurant and we are led to our table as soon as we arrive.

"How was your day?" I ask after we order.

"Good. What about you?"

"It was ok. I had a couple things to take care of at The Brew and then I went home and read for a while. A bit boring, to be honest." I say, "I've been thinking about this for a while but I wanted to know your opinion before I made a decision."

"Sure, what is it?"

"A couple days ago, the Dean called me to ask if I was interested in teaching a few classes at Hollis."

"Oh." She says, "What do you want to do?"

"I want to say yes." I reply, "I miss teaching and even though I love The Brew, taking care of all of that isn't for me."

"Then why haven't you said yes yet?"

"I wanted to know your opinion."

"Ok then, here it is: If that's what you really want, you should do it and you definitely have my support. I know how much you love teaching and how much you miss it. Plus, if you're not happy working at The Brew what's the point?"

"Thank you. You're am-" I'm cut off by the sound of her phone ringing.

"I really need to take this. I'll be back in a sec." She says and gets up and goes outside.

Even though I haven't asked her any questions, I'd be lying if I say that not knowing what's going on isn't killing me.  I want to give her space and that's what I've been doing but I wish she would share whatever it is she's been doing lately with me. Why has she been hiding this from me? Does she not trust me? These are some of the questions that haven't left my mind lately.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when the waiter comes back with our food and soon after that, Aria comes back and returns to her place. Not wanting to ruin the night, I try to forget about what just happen and start a conversation.


"Do you want to go for a walk?" I ask when we leave the restaurant, not wanting to end the night yet.

"Sure." Aria replies so I take her hand in mine and we start walking towards the park a few feet away from us. We walk in silence and, after spending the whole meal talking about the most random topics, it feels good to have time to just enjoy each other's company.

At one point, we come across a couple with a baby that should be only a couple months old and Aria looks at then and smiles at the sleeping baby in the stroller. It might seem like a small gesture but I'm pretty sure it's the first time I've seen her doing this in a while.

"You know," She starts, a few minutes later, breaking the silence "A couple weeks ago, seeing a couple with a baby or a pregnant woman across the street would break my heart and make me feel miserable. I hated feeling that way but I couldn't help it. I couldn't stop thinking about how unfair it was and I wondered why it had happened to me... to us. I felt jealous and hurt and I most times I just wanted to curl in a ball and cry right there and then. I know it sounds stupid - it probably is- but it's the truth." She chuckles, "But now... now it doesn't hurt anymore. It actually makes me happy and while I wish I could have that, I've come to terms with the fact that I probably won't and I'll have to live with that. I feel like I'm healing. Like that wound that hurt so much is slowly getting better. "

"You're amazing." I tell her and kiss her head.

"I wouldn't have been able to do it without you." She replies and wraps her arms around my neck, "You were always there for me, even when I tried to push you away. You held me while I cried and you never let me lose hope. You're the reason why I tried to get over this in the first place, and you are the reason why I am getting over it. You tell me that I'm strong and amazing so many times but you are way better than me and I hope you know that."

Before I can reply, she's standing on her toes and her lips are on mine and soon everything around us is forgotten and the only thing that matters is the tiny brunette I have the honour or calling my wife.

Hey guys!
Hope you liked this chapter! Not sure what I think about it tbh. I don't hate it but I don't love it either... well I hope you liked it😂
What do you think Aria's been doing? Why has she been spending so much time out?
Don't forget to vote and please send me some feedback!!
Love you all
See you next week💛😘

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