Chapter 21

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Aria's POV

After playing with the kids for a couple of hours and helping some of them with their homework, I say goodbye and promise to come back soon. On my way out, I stop by Sarah's office, hoping that she hasn't left yet, so we can talk for a little while.

"Come in." She says when I knock on the door.

"Hey. Is this a bad time?" I ask when I open the door and walk in.

"No, no. I just finished what I was doing. I was about to take a little break anyway." She says and gets up to greet me with a hug, "Sit down, please." She adds and returns to her place, on the other side of the desk, "How are you? It's been a while."

"I know. And I apologize for that. But between work and Ben, I haven't had much time to come here."

"I know you've been busy, don't worry." She replies, "How is Ben?"

"I think he's still getting used to living with us and Ezra and I are still trying to understand the dynamics of parenthood but I think we're getting there. He's had some crisis lately but I guess it's normal for a kid his age. When he first came to our house, he barely said a word but now that he's used to being around us, he's starting to complain when he doesn't like something and throw tantrums when we don't do what he wants. Sometimes it looks like he's trying to test the limits of my patience but aside from that, he's doing great."

"Welcome to parenthood. It may not always be easy but it is the best and most rewarding thing in the world."

"I know." I reply smiling, "and after everything that we've been through to get here, I hate complaining... but sometimes I just want to run away for a couple of days and have some time for myself."

"We've all been there, Aria." She smiles, "Don't feel bad for feeling that way. It's natural."

"I know." I reply smiling, "Now enough about me. What about you? How is Jamie?" I ask.

After telling me about the holidays she and Jamie have been planning, she tells me what's been going on around here, about a couple kids that are now living here and the activities they're planning for the summer. A knock on the door cuts our conversation short and I end up leaving when Sarah assures me she doesn't need help.

After sending Ezra a quick text, letting him know I'll be home in around half an hour, I get in the car and leave the parking lot.  Less than 10 minutes later, my phone rings and even though I don't usually talk on the phone while driving, when I see Lauren's name on the screen I can't stop myself from accepting the call.

"Hi Lauren," I say when I answer the phone and put it on speaker.

"Hey Aria, how are you?"

"Good, thanks. What about you?"

"Same, thank you." She replies, "Are you busy right now?"

"I'm on my way home."

"Oh ok. Is there any way you can pull off on the side of the road for a few minutes? I've got some news about Ben."

"Uh, sure. Is everything ok?" I ask, becoming more and more worried every second.

"Yeah, yeah. It's good news. I just don't want you to have an accident."

"Ok, I just stopped the car, you can tell me the news," I tell her as I turn the speaker off and hold the phone to my ear, my heart pounding in my chest.

"I wish you were with Ezra right now so I could tell the news to both of you at the same time but I know you won't be able to wait until you get home so here it goes. A date for the hearing has been set."

"Really? When?"

"Next month. I got the confirmation yesterday but I was sick and didn't go to work. I just opened my email and I had to tell you right away. I'll send you an email with all the details. Oh and I'll call you tomorrow to set a meeting with you and Ezra, and also one with Ben."

"Ok. Thank you so much. For everything."

"You're very welcome. Now go home and tell Ezra. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Hope you feel better soon. Talk to you soon. Bye."

"Thank you. Goodbye." She replies and I hang up the call.

15 minutes later, I pull up in front of the house and take a deep breath before I get out of the car. As soon as I open the front door, I hear Ben's laugh and I smile, "I'm home."

As I walk into the living room, where Ben is playing with his toys, he gets up and runs towards me so I pick him up and give him a kiss on the forehead. "How was your day?"

"Good. We went to the park and then Ezra let me see a movie while he worked."

"What movie did you see?"


"Did you like it?"


"That's great. I'm glad you had fun."

"How about you go wash your hands and then we have dinner, buddy?" Ezra asks as he walks in.

"Ok," Ben replies and put him on the ground.

"Do you need help?" I ask him.

"No, thanks." He says and takes off running.

"Hey," Ezra says as he puts his hands on my waist and pulls me closer to give me a quick kiss, "How was your day?"

"Great. I'd missed the kids."

"I wish I could have gone with you but I had a huge pile of essays to mark. I'll go with you the next time."

"Don't worry about that. I know you would have gone if you could." I reply.

"Why are you so smiley? I swear you haven't stopped smiling since you walked in. Did you miss me that much?" He asks.

"I did miss you." I reply, "but that's not the reason why I can't stop smiling." I add.

"Then what is it?" He asks.

"I got a call on my way home..." I start, "It was Lauren." I tell him, "They set a date for the hearing!"

"They did? Oh wow. When?" He asks, visibly surprised.

"Next month. She said she'd email me the details later today."

"That's great." He says, his smile mirroring mine, and kisses me, "I was starting to get worried because it was taking so long."

"Me too," I admit, "But now it's set and if everything goes well, it'll be official in less than a month."

"I can't believe this." He says and gives me another kiss.

"Eww. That's gross." Ben says when sees us and we can't help but laugh when we look at him and see him covering his eyes with his hands.

"Come on, monkey. Let's eat. I heard someone's hungry." I say.

"Yeah!" He replies and Ezra and I smile at each other, knowing that, in just a few weeks, we will officially be a family.

I'm back!! Finally.
I'm sorry for this break but I really needed it. I know I said I'd be back on the 27th, which was 2 weeks ago (sorry about that) but I came to the conclusion that the lack of time I had during the last 9 months made this story a little bit of a mess. I never had time to plan and because of that I had no idea how I would get where I want to with this story. I finally have an idea of what's going to happen and so there should be no reason for me to have to miss updates anytime soon.
For everyone who waited, a HUGE thank you. I really appreciate it.
I hope you liked this chapter and see you next week.
[From now on, expect updates every Sunday :)]
Love you all

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