Chapter 23

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Aria's POV
I'm touching up my makeup when my phone rings and I quickly pick up when I see it's my mom.

"Hey mom."

"Good morning, sweetie. How are you?"
"A bit nervous but nothing I can't handle." I tell her.

"Don't be. This hearing is just a formality there's nothing to worry about. I'm sure everything will go as planned and Ben will officially be your son in a few hours."

"I can't help it."

"I know." She replies "And I know it's easy to tell you to calm down but if I were in that situation I would be a nervous wreck so you're doing pretty well."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that."

"Believe me, you are." She says and I hear my dad in the background calling her name, "Breakfast is ready, I gotta go. Just wanted to know how you were doing and let you know we'll be leaving in 20 minutes."

"Ok. See you there."

"Bye." She replies and hangs up.
Once my makeup is ready, I put my shoes on and go downstairs, where Ezra is giving Ben breakfast.

"He's almost ready. Do you want to eat anything before we leave?"

"I'm not hungry. And I'd probably throw up if I ate anything right now."

"Well I'll make something we can take with us in case you change your mind."
"You don't need to."

"But I want to. Plus, even if you don't change your mind, Ben might get hungry. You never know how long these things take."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." He replies and kisses my forehead before heading back to the kitchen to prepare it.

"You almost ready buddy?" I ask when I walk into the living room, where Ben's having breakfast.

"Yes, mom."

"Good. We have about 10 minutes. We can't be late today." I tell him and he nods.

Even though it should only take us around 20 minutes to get there, we want to make sure we're there in time so we leave a little bit earlier so that if something happens to the car or the traffic is heavy we can still arrive in time.

When we arrive, Lauren is waiting for us inside and after telling us that the hearing should start on time, she once again explains what will happen inside and what we should and should not do.

"Any questions?"


"Great. Now we just have to wait to be called and get this over with." She tells us, smiling.

My parents arrive shortly before we are called and the judge walks into the room right at 11AM, the scheduled time.

Shortly after the beginning of the hearing, it's clear that this judge, contrary to the judges that work in criminal courts, that we see in tv shows and movies, is playful and likes to be here, doing this job. His personality and good mood make me feel more at ease and I instantly relax.

With my hand intertwined with Ezra's, we answer the questions the judge asks and Lauren nods at us, letting us know everything's going well.

"Work isn't always easy. I've seen a lot. I've seen families go through things that no one should ever have to go through. I've had days I want to quit and never come back. But then there are cases like this, that make us all smile and know that we were right when we chose to work here." He says, and pauses for a while,
"Well then. I guess there's only one thing left to do." He says, "Aria and Ezra Fitz, do you wish to adopt Ben into your family?"

"Yes, your honor."

"Yes, your honor." I say and look at Ezra, smiling, with tears in my eyes.

"Ben, would you like Aria and Ezra to be your mom and dad?"

"Yes!" Ben yells, making everyone in the room laugh.

"Well then. By the authority invested in me by the state of Pennsylvania, I pronounce you a family." He says, smiling, and signs Ben's certificate of adoption before passing it to guard, who gives it to us and asks us if we want to take a photo.

After calling my parents are Lauren to join us, Ezra picks up Ben and wraps an arm around me and gives me a kiss. Once everyone's in place, and the guard is ready, she says "Say family,"

"Family!" We say together and even though my face hurts from smiling so much, I don't stop, because from this moment on we are, officially, a family and there's nothing that makes me happier than that.

Hey guys! So sorry I'm late but here it is. The next chapter will probably be the last. I just can't do anything good with this story... :(
I hope you liked the chapter. Sorry if it was crap.
See you next week.
Love you

[would you read a new Lucian fanfic? If so and you don't mind giving me a little help, dm me either here or on my social media and I will choose a couple people to ask a couple questions about the story. Thank you in advance if you slide in my dms]

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