Chapter one An unusual flight

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In the small island of Berk, the Viking chief Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third was busy doing paper work. He didn't very much enjoy it so he decided to pop out for a late night stroll.

The strapping young man wasn't as built up as the other Vikings, but was worth his wealth in dragon training. And in so, he didn't walk very much. His nightfury Toothless would always follow him around, trying to get Hiccup to take him out for a late night flight. Those were always Toothless' favorite.

After bumping Hiccup's arm with good solid hits by his nose, Toothless urged his rider to take him for a flight.

"Come on, bud, stop." Hiccup muttered out. His words just made Toothless look at him with an unamused face, then without a second thought, he bumped Hiccup once again.

After stumbling and almost falling to the ground, Hiccup whipped around to Toothless and gave him a scowl. Toothless put his head down, trying hard not to make eye contact. He had an innocent look on his face like he had done nothing wrong. After a few minutes of being conflicted wether or not to be angry at his black-panther-like dragon, Hiccup sighed, annoyed at himself for giving into Toothless' behavior.

"Fine..." Hiccup finally managed to say rubbing the back of his head and patting Toothless' with his other hand. "But only for a bit, I have work." He added, hopping onto Toothless.

Giving a shake of excitement, Toothless waited eagerly as his rider hooked his metal leg into place.

"Alright bud, take us uー" Hiccup was interrupted but the violent wind whipping against him, Toothless had already leaped off the ground and was flapping his wings eagerly trying to get faster and higher.

"Whoa!" Hiccup yelled out, then after a second or two, finally managed to grab onto Toothless' harness and pulled down his mask.

Wind whipped rapidly against both of them, as they ascended higher and higher. The wind was usually cold, some snow flakes even.

"Huh? Snow?" Hiccup whispered out, looking around. He's eyes tingled and stung from the cold wind, but his curiosity kept him looking.

'Snow? In the middle of summer?' He thought, letting go of Toothless' harness with one hand, and stretching it out to feel the cool snowflakes fall into it.

It wasn't too usual to see snow, it hailed and snowed all the time on Berk. But it was unusual to see it this far above the clouds.

After leveling Toothless at a good hundred feet above the misty clouds, Hiccups' curiosity grew stronger. Snow was still falling lightly as his nose began to become a slight reddish color from the cold.

After many long minutes of flying, a strong whoosh of cold air whipped by Hiccup, making him shiver a bit. It seemed as tho all the snow was collecting into one spot, yet whooshing past. Hiccup squinted his stinging eyes, trying to focus on the cool air collect. He noticed a body figure flying threw with the air, it looked like a mans form but he couldn't tell, it was also holding what seemed to be a wooden staff, curved at the end.

Hiccups' eyes widened from curiosity, he patted Toothless' head roughly, urging him forward. "Come on, bud!" He shouted, racing after the flying man, trying desperately to squint through the falling snow.

"Hey!" Hiccup called out, trying to get his attention. He pulled up his mask and called out again, "Hey!" But nothing. The boy simply kept flying further away. Hiccups' determination didn't let him give up, he patted Toothless again, and with a strong whoosh, he flew even faster, starting to catch up with the boy.

Hiccup curiosity grew stronger and stronger with every whip of Toothless' wings.

'So.. Close...' He thought, giving a good thrash down and the leather harness, becoming side-by-side with the boy.

Hiccup glanced over, squinting through the thick snow. His eyes stung, but he ignoring it, his curiosity was taking over. The boy whipped around and had ー for a second ー eye contact with Hiccup.

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