"A cute couple" chapter 2

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"I have been avoiding Kagami recently a while now. I'ts the best for us. If I would do some confessions now,our friendship would be ruined. It wouldn't be the same anymore. And ofcourse our teamplay wouldn't work. Well it's not that great now either. And what's the worst thing that would happen is that he would start avoid me. Well,i guess i'm doing it right now... I don't even want to imagine what his react would be like... It's weird enough that we're both guys and i lov...like him" Kuroko thought.

Riko Aida whistled and said : "Alright guys,good job. Let's go home!" The practise ended.

Kuroko was leaving the gym,when he heard talking from locker room. First he decided to ignore it,but then someone said his name and he stopped. Kiyoshi Teppei said : "Hey Kagami,don't you think that Kuroko have been acting pretty weird lately? He doesn't pay attention while practise." Kagami sighed : "Ofcourse I have seen it. He's not himself. He have been pretty quiet. Well,more quiet than usual. It actually seems like he's avoiding me or something..." "You? But why would he..? Have you argued or something?" Kagami looked down : "No. Honestly we haven't even talked that much. Everytime i've tried to go talk to him,well he have left already or something" You could hear worry in his talking. "And everytime he passes the ball,well he passes to someone else. Remember today when Kuroko fell again on the floor when he accidentally stumbeld?" "Yeah." "Well,i offerd him hand to get up,but he refused it and got up himself. I mean,he never do that."

Kuroko's eyes were wide open. "I don't know what to think. I can't keep doing like this... People just get worried. But...It would be really hard for me to talk about this with Kagami. I suck at saying this like that... I actually have never said anything like that. Well,i guess i haven't been in love with anyone before. Ah,that word just sounds so...weird. This all is just weird."

Kuroko stept accidentally on some paper on the floor making a noise. Kuroko startled and went quickly outside so he wouldn't get caught.

"Huh? What was that sound?" Teppei startled. "Hey is there someone?" Kagami went to a hallway. He saw something in the darkness. He squinted his eyes to see better. Then number two (the dog) showed up.

"WAAAAAH! GET THAT AWAY FROM MEEEE!!!" Kagami screamed like a girl. Teppei came to the hallway confused. When he saw the dog he started to laugh to Kagami who was curled up on the corner scared. Teppei took number two in his hands and said : "Look him,his so cute! How could you hate it so much? Look he has a playshirt on! So kawaiii!" He brought the dog closer to Kagami. He started to scream like a maniac and ran out of the gym. Number two jumped out of Teppei's hands and ran to outside too.

"Hahah...This remains me of Kuroko. He's always so calm,unlike Kagami he's so temperamental. I remember when Izuki said in the game that those two makes a cute couple while they were arqueing. I won't forbid it." Teppei thought with a smile in his face.

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