Chapter twenty-three: Found freedom and was tied up again.

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  • Dedicated to Every single reader of Eliza's story, I just love you guys!

Picture is the car of Eliza: an Alfa Romeo Giulietta (my dream car if you want to knowXD) Outift Eliza in comments!

Chapter twenty-three: Found freedom and was tied up again.

-Eliza’s POV-

 I felt free as never before after I made the decision.  Seriously, I could have just hopped from one spot to another, but I’d never do that.  I was wondering what I could do, I mean, I was definitely not going back, I loved it here too much (and I was postponing the reunion with Edward). I ran towards the nearest city and when I saw the small town visualizing for my eyes, I smiled.

I looked at myself in a window of a shop. My hair had gone wild and some leaves were still hooked into it. I was also still wearing my sweater and my favourite (since one week or so) leather jeans. They didn’t look good either after my run.  I felt my credit card burning in the back pocket of my jeans. Like they would even notice.

I followed the signs towards the city centre. After a walk of half an hour (at a slow human pace) I realized that I had entered through the outskirts of the city and that it was actually quite big. The good brands finally started to appear and I walked into one of them. It was quiet, since it was a normal day on which most people had to go to work or school. I picked everything that looked only even a little nice and it started to pile up fast.

After I had seen the whole store, I walked to the checkout and the girl behind it was actually looking scared at that huge pile that I could barely see through. I didn’t give her one glance.  When she was finally done (at her just frustrating slow speed), she widened her eyes at the price. I didn’t even heard what it was, I didn’t doubt that this credit card couldn’t handle it. It slid through easily and I grabbed the bags. Of course they weren’t heavy (please, it were just clothes), but it was just irritating.

In the first restaurant nearby, I went to the toilet and changed my clothes. The new red top with the shorts and the nice ankle boots, together with a new leather jacket. I just loved leather jackets. Well, you could say everything about fashion, but at least is has become more comfortable  over the years. When I had returned to the street, I saw the few people that were there, just staring at me. Okay, I mean, it’s not very logical (for humans) to wear shorts when it’s still quite cold, but still. It’s not illegal. I hope.

Let’s see, what’s so overdone to buy while I don’t need it. I knew, I knew what I needed. And those bags were irritating me anyway. I asked the question to the first person passing by. “Where is the nearest car dealer?” He told me that it was quite close actually and that I could walk it in 15 minutes.

 Hell no that I was going to walk that on human speed, while I could be there in a few seconds. I went off, middle in his route description and I ran as quickly as lightning, so that none could see me. I looked at the clock in the store. See, I did it in 2.47 seconds! Proud me.

I walked towards one of those jerks in a suit (and well, you know who I am talking about, you see him in front of you in a second) and I coughed very loudly.

He turned around and looked at me with a gaze that said: “Well, you’re not my average customer” I interrupter his stare by saying: “Look, I need a car. Preferably white, expensive, fast and well… Italian. Do you have something like that? Price doesn’t matter.” Well, he had now realized that I wasn’t here for him, but for a car. Shocking huh?! “Then miss, I’ve just the thing for you.”

He walked me through the showroom and eventually he stopped by a white, fast and Italian car. It’s wasn’t even so pricy, compared to what the other were keeping in the garage. I slid over the car with my hand and looked inside. Leather seats, very good design all of it. “Okay, I take it.” He seemed stunned. “Don’t you want to take a small ride first. That’d be logical.” I looked at him with a uninterested gaze. “Well, the car is new and Italian. It couldn’t be junk, not in my opinion.”

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