Chapter 3

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Alana pov

"Alana calm sister down" I hear Teya say

And I sit down not looking at no one just looking down

"Talk you have ten mins" teya said trying to calm down

"First Johnson stop glaring at teya." I see teya blushing!

"Shut up jack." I hear Johnson quietly says to Gilinsky

"Hurry up and talk" I said madly

"Okay... we're sorry for bullying you these last three years we didn't mean to hurt. We bullied you because people liked us."

"Wtf you guys are jerks because who cares if people like you just because you bully me. everyone still likes you guys because you famous on vine and that shit."

"We know we're jerks. and we should've just thought that." Cameron's says

"Sorry." nash speaks looking down

"Okay you guys are done now get out."

When they left I decided I wanna move to LA with Teya. so we decided to leave the school when this semester is over which is in 3 days so I guess I can handle three more days if school.


I wake up to a better day sorta and I do my regular routine. I took me hair out of my braided that blowed dried after taking a shower to give it a some beach waves I go to my closet and get my outfit.

Ootd: (go to Pinterest @alanatorio then go to bullied by magcon (wattpad) )

Black leather skater skirt
White t-shirt tucked in
Black hills not to tall

I decided to just drive to school. Teya hopped in the passenger seat and we were jamming to some music. when we got to school teya walked me to my locked. while we were walking to my locker cameron and them tried to talk to me and that was not going to happen.

Teya left to go to her locker. i feel someone close my locker and it was jack gilinsky. it scared the hell out of me 

''what the hell do you want cameron.'' i say rolling my eyes

"i was just wonder if i can walk to math with you?"

"yeah whatever."

"look alana i'm really sorry i didn't mean to do those stuff to you for the past three years. we were jerks and liked how everyone loved us."

"yeah yeah whatever i don't care."

"since were gonna have our last semester next week do you think we can restart our realtionship like be friends and stuff."

 camerons pov

''no because i didn't tell anyone, but when this semester is over me and teya are moving because we don't wanna see you jerks around us." i was shocked when alana said that. wow i can't believe we did that to her. if we didn't do this one of would probably be her boyfriend.


''before we left to go to the mall to get a make over.''

"oh." i say putting my head down

we wake in class and of course i sat next to her in the back because i need to talk to her.

---skip classes---

i met with the guys at lunch and i was a little calm and quiet becauuse of what alana said.

"dude what's wrong with you right now?your quiet.'' nash says

''because when i was walking to class with alana she said her and her sister is moving when this semester is over which is on friday." i say putting my head down

"wtf. she's leaving. when did they decide this?''

''she said before they went to the mall yesterday.''

''lets go find her and ask why'' jack says sad

we found them about to walk out of school to go out for lunch.

''HEY ALANA!'' gilinsky yells

they end up turning looking at us and just ran to their car. we decided to go in nash's car and follow them. lucklu they didn't know and we found them going to in n out since we were in drive through and they were waiting in their car jack got out of his seat and went up to their car.

alana pov 

when we ran to our car we went to the drive through in n out a few minutes later i see gilinsky knocking on my window door. i ignore it and then he knocks more . then i put the music louder and he knocks harder. i put the music lower and opened my window before he breaks my window.

''what the hell do you want jack?" i say annoyed

''why are you guys moving on friday? where? ''

''wtf cameron told you guys! why?''

''because he was sad a lunch and nash asked him whats wrong''

woa cameron was sad i was leaving. huh. i should probably talk to him.



i get out of my car and walk to nash's car 

''gilinsky stir the wheel.'' i give him a i'm going to talk to cameron look


i walking in nash's car sit next to cameron on the passenger seat.

''cameron why are you sad im leaving on friday?"

''because it's my fault''

''well yeah it's your guys faults but we're moving for good''

''i know''


''can i ask you something''

''sure what is it''

''can i have a hug please'' 


i give him a hug and i see him smile

''aww i see you little smile back'' i say looking at him

''thank you'' 

''no problem''

''no i mean it..thank you''

''for what?''

''hugging me and surviving what you have been through the past three years.''

''i did that because im strong. and your welcome.''

''can we visit you where you live?''i hear  johnson say



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