14- Big Split

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I know it has been awhile since I updated but I have been really busy lately. Also, you might of forgot what has happened in the story since I forgot and I'm the one writing the story. I suggest that if you did forget, read a couple chapters before you read this one. Here is a little recap at the end of the previous chapter.


After Victoria left the lunch table, Anna decided to hang out with Brandon, which left Heather and Tiffany with the others.

Heather- "Guys, now that Victoria left, I can tell you guys the spy."

Matthew- "WHAT?! Who is it?"

Kendra- "How do you know?"

Josh- "Can we trust you?"

Tiffany- "You can't tell anyone, okay?"

Matthew- "Okay we get it, just tell us who it is."

Heather- "It's...um...um...

Tiffany- "It's Victoria."

Kendra's POV (weekend)

The next day, Matthew decided for Josh and I to meet up at his house for a meeting since his parents were going to be late. It's weird to go somewhere else for meetings because they are usual in Victoria's house. Speaking of Victoria,

How can it be possible? It can't be Victoria. I've been friends with her for soo long and I know she wouldn't do anything like that. I mean, she's been working at the agency for so long now. She can't all of a sudden just work for the other side!

These are the girly girls we are talking about, they lie when ever they want to! This can't be true. It's unbelievable. How do they know in the first place?

Alright, I'm done with this break because this is getting out of hand for so long. That's right, I'm back suckers!

Josh- "We're right here."

Gosh, I'm rubbing off of Victoria.

Matthew- "Don't even say her name."

After we heard the news, Matthew has been acting strange lately. I have no idea why.

Me- "Oh c'mon, you really believe them?"

Matthew- "It does make sense. She's been avoiding us and is now always alone with Liliana. Remember, Liliana is a suspect who is also reserved."

Me- "She's been avoiding us because we all changed and she hates it. I know Victoria would never do something like this. She has been working for Boss for a long time. Plus, she's our friend."

Matthew- "She's not a friend. She's a traitor."

Josh- "Why are you so mad right now? I mean c'mon, just chill out. Now we know who it is so we need to make our move."

Me- "Oh my gosh, you too! Are you guys hearing yourself right now?!

Matthew and Josh- "Loud and clear."

Matthew- "You know, we are not deaf."

Me- "Good to know that you're not true friends."

Matthew- "I don't get it. Why are you defending Victoria? She's the new suspect for heaven sake!

Me- "Because i know for a fact that she is not the suspect."

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