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"oh for fucks sake." ivy was late to work and she couldn't find a parking spot. today wasn't her day. she'd woke up late, her khakis weren't clean so she had to wait for them to get washed and dried and now this. she was tempted to say to hell with it and park in a handicapped spot but she's trying really hard to end up in heaven when she dies.

the girl found a spot far from the entrance but she had no other choice. she rushed into the store, clocked in and got behind the customer service counter fast. hopefully, it was busy enough today that her manager wouldn't notice.

ivy was a small town girl. she lived all her life in texas and had barely even left her town. she was content right where she was. after graduating high school, she'd decided college wasn't for her and started working.

she'd always been an independent girl. boys never interested her because they were all annoying and weren't serious about a relationship. that wasn't appealing to ivy. the brown skinned girl never really gave boys the time of day.

until him.

every day, (give or take a day or two), the same boy would come in to the target, buy one thing, then immediately go to customer service to return the item. it was never anything big. once he bought a birthday card. another time, a pack of crayons. ivy could tell that he was interested in her because he'd only ever come to her register.

today was no different. "hey. i'd like to return this." the boy placed a bottle of sprite on the counter and slid it towards her. she studied his face. he had hazel eyes. shaggy brown hair and his face was littered with freckles. he was cute for a white boy. "i'm ivy." she said as she scanned the barcode and typed in what she needed to. he was startled by this as they never talked when he'd return his purchase.


"nice to meet you."


and with that, he grabbed the money and receipt out of her hand and left.

"he's so weird chas. he never says a word to me but when i say something, it's like he doesn't want to talk to me." ivy sighed heavily and stuffed another hot cheeto in her mouth. "maybe he's just shy. he obviously likes you." the brunette looked at her best friend and pressed her lips together. "maybe tomorrow talk to him more. he'll probably open up soon enough."


"hey. i'd like the return this." a box of chocolates. "hey matt. how's your day going?" she cringed at how awkward that was. "fine. and you?" the corner of his mouth turned up into a half smile.

progress. she thought.

"pretty slow. at least i can always count on you to show up." she watched as matt's face turned pink at her comment.

"yeah." he shifted awkwardly, grabbed the money and instead of leaving right away, he lingered.

"see you tomorrow ivy."


"chug chug chug!" the alcohol burned ivy's throat as she swallowed but she managed to down at least half of it.

it was friday and her friends huddled in her bedroom while they passed bottles and blunts around. "hey vee, how's the creepy boy at work?" miranda, ivy's other best friend, asked as she flipped through tv channels. "he's not creepy and his name is matt. he's fine. i just wish he'd talk to me more." chasidy and miranda looked at each other before laughing like maniacs. "what's up with y'all?" chasidy shook her head. "ivy. you have a crush on him. you've barely said a paragraph worth of words to him." ivy threw a pillow to her face. "i do not! he is kinda cute though. i don't know."

her friends wiggled their eyebrows at her. "do you know his last name? maybe we could find his instagram!" chasidy suggested. "no! don't do th-" "already found it." miranda turned her phone towards the shocked girls.


"follow him ivy. what's the worst that could happen."

"he'll think i'm weird."

"no he won't! just do it!"

she gave in. after pressing the blue follow button, she turned her phone off and threw it down. no turning back now.

"oh shit. f-fuck." matt pumped his dick faster as he came all over his stomach. he threw his head back and clicked off the browser. "i need a girlfriend." the boy muttered to himself.

his phone dinged from the bedside table.

ivy_mo started followed you!

ivy. his heart skipped a beat. not bothering to wipe his hand off, he hurriedly followed her back.

matt: hello
matt: i need help
matt: sos

ian: it's 1 am
ian: i think it can wait

matt: pls 😔🥺

ian: d r a m a t i c
ian: what do you need

matt: u know the cute girl
from target?

ian: the one u stalk
ian: yes

matt: anyways
matt: she followed me on ig sjsjsjdjs
matt: should i dm her🤧

ian: YES

matt: i'm shy 🤭😶
matt: what should i say

ian: pls stop using
those emojis
ian: just???? say hi
ian: idk

himattchampion would like to send you a message

himattchampion: ho ivy
himattchampion: fuvk i meant hi

hi this is my new fic pls vote 😋🥵

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