first dates

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matt sighed scrolling through the website. he was trying to plan a date for him and ivy but nothing was perfect. "thanks for nothing, perfect first date ideas." he turned off his phone and laid back in his bed. the brunettes nerves were more on edge because he'd never been on a date in his life.

what if she hated it?

what if she doesn't even want to go out with him?

why would she want to?

ivy🥰: hi matty baby😘
ivy🥰: i m*ss you
ivy🥰: i want kith

matt🐭: kith?
matt🐭: tf is that

ivy🥰: a kiss
ivy🥰: muah

matt🐭: ooooo
matt🐭: i'm drinking dumb
bitch juice sorry
matt🐭: i'll kith u 🥺
matt🐭: r u allergic to
anything hehe

ivy🥰: no.....
ivy🥰: why 🤔🕵🏽‍♀️

matt🐭: nothing

ivy🥰: scared of gayivy🥰: SHDJDKSJSJS that*

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ivy🥰: scared of gay
ivy🥰: SHDJDKSJSJS that*

"matt's acting weird. he asked if i was allergic to anything and when i asked why he sent a creepy cat thing." ivy was on facetime with chasidy. "um maybe he's planning something?" the brunette painted her toenails while she gave advice to her confused friend.

ivy shrugged. "maybe. but what though?"

chasidy rolled her eyes at ivy's obliviousness. "um. maybe a date, i don't know." she said, with a,'duh', sort of tone.

before ivy could respond, she got a notification."

matt🐭: get ready
matt🐭: i'm taking u somewhere
matt🐭: one (1) kith will be

ivy🥰: just one
ivy🥰: i want 100

matt🐭: ok
matt🐭: but seriously
matt🐭: i'm coming at 5:30

"chas. you might be right. i've gotta go get ready for a date!"
ian watched as a nervous matt paced the small bedroom. "i told her that you'd be there at 5:30. stop stressing." matt nearly pulled his hair out at ian's statement. "dude. i can't! i've never been on a date before. what if i fuck it up? i really like her." he slumped against the wall and looked at his best friend, desperate for some type of encouragement.

"you're too much in your head. it'll be fine. pick out an outfit and take a shower. then take your meds bro. when's the last time you've done that?"

"yesterday morning." he lied. the truth was, the last time he'd taken his meds was probably last week. he wasn't sure. matt nodded at ian and stood up. he picked out a black pullover, black dickies and a pair of beat up air force ones. he looked for ian's approval and the boy gave him a thumbs up. matt smiled at his friend and made his way towards the bathroom and hopped into the shower.

'and I said,

"romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone

i'll be waiting, all that's left to do is run

you'll be the prince and I'll be the princess

it's a love story, baby just say yes'

ivy sang along as she applied her makeup. she blew on her false eyelashes and waited for the glue to set. she hadn't been on a date in what seemed like 12 million years so to say the least, she was ecstatic. matt definitely wasn't the bold type so she wondered who actually texted her about going out. she made a mental note to ask about that later.

"hoops are in, edges are laid and lashes are on. bad bitch mode activated." ivy blew a kiss to herself in the mirror and waited for matt to arrive. her mind raced with endless thoughts and possibilities.

where's he taking me?

for dinner?

a movie?

hopefully not.

she was pulled out of her thoughts by a knock on her door. nerves washed over as she opened the door to reveal matt. he looked good.

"you look good."

matt's face blushed bright and he smiled. "i mean. so do you."

she laughed slightly at his awkwardness and kissed his cheek. "let get going! i'm excited to see the surprise you have for me." matt admired her as she walked past him to get to the car. she wasn't overly dressed up but she looked drop dead gorgeous. she wore a black turtleneck paired with black mom jeans and a pair of black creepers. the shoes made her slightly taller than him but he didn't mind.

he opened the passenger side door for her then got into the car. "you can play whatever you want on aux. if it sucks i'm taking you to mcdonald's." ivy stared at him for a second before he burst out laughing. "i'm fucking with you, i don't care." she punched him on his arm lightly and played harry styles' album.

matt nodded in approval at her choice in music. in the corner of his eye he could see her mouthing out the words to the song playing.

"beautiful." he whispered out, low enough so she wouldn't hear.


carefully as not to mess up her hair, matt tied the makeshift blindfold behind ivy's head. "ok. i-i'm gonna grab your hand." he placed his hand gently in her palm and tried to ignore how perfectly they fit together. how soft her hands were and how she gently squeezed his hand as he lead her forward. he closed the passenger side door and began walking. matt took care and made sure he avoided things she'd trip over or get stuck on.

ivy felt him come to a stop, so she mirrored his actions. she smelt the air and it smelt sweet. like honeysuckle on a warm spring day or the saccharine smell of a flower garden. "ok i'm gonna take this off. um. yeah. ok." he awkwardly fumbled with the knot he tied behind her head. his hands were slightly sweaty so it took a minute, but eventually, it came off.

"oh. wow. matt." when ivy opened her eyes, she was met with a butterfly garden. there were hummingbirds, flowers that seemed 10 feet tall and of course, butterflies flying all over. immediately her hands flew to her face in shock. she was speechless.

"do you like it?" he asked, panic laced in his words. "i-if you don't i could take you somewhere else. i don't min-" she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed tight. "shut up dork. i love it."


gjgyjklfrjnwy hi yall

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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