❣️Thirty Eight❣️

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It's been about an hour since we got here and I can't seem to look away from Sam and Kelsey, no matter how much it makes me want to cry and beat the fuck out of her all over again. "May, it's almost time to announce the king and queen." Kaylee lets out as her and John walk over to us, breaking me out of my thoughts, "Okay." "Are you okay?" She asks. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just nervous." I lie, giving her a small smile. "You'll do great." She assures me. "Thanks." We all agreed that it would be best for me to get up there and sing my song after we announce king and queen, although I'm worried that if Angela and Johnson win, I won't have a piano player because they're the only ones that know it. "Hey, May." Angela and Johnson pull me to the side, "How you feelin'?" "Like I'm gonna throw up." I state truthfully. "You'll do great, okay?" "What if you guys win and I don't have anyone to play the piano??" I ask, slowly starting to freak out. "Don't worry, I took care of that already." Johnson gives me a smile. "What do you mean you took care of it?" "I made the music in advance and already gave it to the dj. You don't even need us up there." He explains. "Really?" He nods. "Oh, thank you guys so much." I let out a breath of relief and pull them into a hug. "May," Erika grabs my arm, "They're ready for you to announce the king and queen." I glance around at all of my friends and they just give me reassuring smiles. "Okay, guess I'm going..." I walk over to Marina and she hands me an envelople with the names it in since she's the one who counted the ballots. Some guy on the dance committee and Yasmine follow me up on stage and I grab the mic, "Can I get everyone's attention please?" Just like that, everyone's eyes are on me. "It's time to announce the ice king and queen..." I pull the card out of the envelope and read it. "Okay, the ice king and queen for the 2014 winter formal are.." Pause for dramatic effect, "Jack Johnson and Angela Pierce!" Everyone starts cheering and I smile as they walk up on stage. Yasmine puts their crowns on and I hug both of them. "Congratulations, Ang." I whisper in her ear. "Couldn't have done it without my best friend." She winks. "Now it's time for the king and queen to share a dance, can everybody clear the floor?" They all back up and Angela and J walk off the stage and into the middle of the crowd. "Okay so usually we would play some basic, sappy love song for this moment, but I'm gonna sing something for you guys instead, is that okay?" More cheering. God, drunk teenagers will cheer for anything. "It's a song I wrote so please try not to be too harsh. It's about someone very important to me." I find Sam in the crowd and he shakes his head, starting to walk out, though of course Kaylee, John, Nate, Marina, Yasmine, Tyler, Mike, and Erika stopped him. I look over at the DJ and he pushes some button on his equipment. I hear the music that Jack and Angela made and my palms grow sweaty. "Nothing makes it hard to breathe like being in your company when you've got someone new around your arms." I start, nervously looking at a pissed off Sam Wilkinson. "I thought I'd be over it, to see you lock with other lips. I guess I'm just no good at moving on." Tears slowly start building in my eyes. "I always tried to tell myself that I'd fall in love with someone else but oh my stubborn heart is set on you." My nerves slowly fade away as I only focus on him, no matter how angry he looks. "And every night I fall asleep just so I can see you in my dreams and now I think you ought to know the truth." He storms off in the opposite direction, towards the side exit of the gym. "Are you listening? I'm knocking on your heart, could you let me in?" He stops. Just stops and stands there, staring at the door. "Tell me I'm the one and I've always been. Cause I don't wanna wonder if we'll ever meet again. I'm knocking on your heart, could you let me in?" I take a deep breath, "When you left, I made you swear our love would last no matter where and we would call each other every night. But nights turned into weeks turned into months we didn't speak and so we lost our sense of love over time." He finally looks at me and I continue, "I've always tried to tell myself that I'd fall in love with someone else but oh my stubborn heart is set on. And every night I fall asleep just so I can see you in my dreams and now I think you ought to know the truth. Are you listening? I'm knocking on your heart, could you let me? Tell me I'm the one and I've always been. Cause I don't wanna wonder if we'll ever meet again. I'm knocking on your heart, could you let me in? I'm knocking on your heart, could you let me in? Are you listening? I'm knocking on your heart, could you let me in? Tell me I'm the one and I've always been. Cause I don't wanna wonder if we'll ever meet again. I'm knocking on your heart, could you let me in?" The music fades away and I take in a shaky breath before bringing the mic back up to my mouth. "Sam." Everyone in the gym turns to him. "Sam, I understand if you still hate me but I just needed to find a way to get you to listen to me. I love you, I want you. Jack means nothing to me and I'm so sorry that it took losing you for me to realize that." "I can't do this. I'm sorry, I just can't." He pushes the door open and walks out while, once again, I just stand there.

Cheater {Jack Gilinsky+Sammy Wilk}Where stories live. Discover now