Elements - One

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For my first day I chose to write using a science fiction prompt. You can find this prompt and 57 others on this website: 


"She's still missing! My daughter's been gone for 62 hours and you're not doing anything!" A woman in her mid-forties screams at me.

"Ma'am the police are doing all we can to find your daughter. I assure you, we will bring her back to you," my voice sounds nervous, even to me. The woman scoffs and turns her back to me, tossing her long, caramel-colored hair over her shoulder. I turn around and find myself face to face with my partner for this case. "Have you found anything yet on the girl's whereabouts?" I ask.

Audrey Beaufort has been my detective partner for three years, ever since we met in her hometown of Calgary. I watched now as Audrey pulled a sheaf of papers out of her black backpack. I grab the papers quickly, eager to solve this case. If I finished this case by 6:00 AM tomorrow, I was promised a promotion.

"Slow down Mr. Seymour. We don't want to screw this up," Audrey hisses, glaring at me with her piercing green eyes. I nod. With a quick glance at the papers I realize something very quickly, this missing girl has a criminal record. 

"Ma'am?" I call towards the agitated mother. She turns around quickly. 

"Have you found anything yet?" Her dress swishes as she walks toward me. I show her the papers. 

"Your daughter has a criminal record. Any chance she could be doing something illegal? That could give us leads to her location." The woman gives me a hard stare. 

"You're accusing my daughter of a crime! She did nothing wrong! My poor baby was taken and you can't do anything!" The woman was sobbing now. 

Beside me, Audrey freezes. "Taken?" she whispers.

The mother claps her hand over her mouth. "They told me not to say anything. But I can't bear to lose my daughter." 

"They?" Audrey questions again.

"The group of teens in black," the woman states plainly.

Audrey turns to stare at me.

"The Elements," I shudder.

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