Elements - Four

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A/N Yesterday was supposed to be Day Four of my challenge. Looks like I already failed. 0///0


Paige's POV

I wake up with a gasp and find an unfamiliar stranger sitting in a chair by my bedside. There's a young man with sandy blond hair and blue eyes. He leans forward and flicks my nose. 

"Glad to see you awake. We have things to do. It won't be long before the authorities find out what we're doing."

"And what exactly are we doing?" I ask, noticing that my voice is gravelly and rough. I need water.

"Your wish is my command," the man says. He stands up and walks to a nearby table, grabbing me a glass of water. That's when I notice that I'm not in my own room. The walls are stark white and unrecognizable. 

"Where am I? Did you just read my mind? Are you gonna answer my first question?" I blabber. The man motions to the glass.

"Drink. I'll answer your questions later." 

I take the glass and gulp down the water. I'm a little bit angry now, so I set the glass down with a slam. 

"My mother's will be worried sick. I know her, she's gonna call the cops and they're gonna think that I ran away." I sit up, feeling a bit wobbly.

The young man places a hand on my shoulder. "I've got it covered. If you cooperate, I'm sure you'll be home in no time."

"But what am I supposed to do for you? I'm not special in any way."

"That's where you're wrong. You're an Elementalist."

In case you're wondering, Paige is the girl who the detectives were looking for. This chapter is super short.. XD

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