The beginning

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*In a Notre Dame dorm room*

" Dude ! You seriously are not intending on migrating back to Thailand are you ? It's like the middle of the semester and not to mention the team is heading for the states finals in like 2 weeks !" Roger implored his best friend who was intently packing his luggage.

A pair of deep brown eyes looked up in distaste to meet the questioning tone of Roger. The owner of these mesmerising pair of eyes was no other than Nic Kasetsin , a senior at Notre Dame University and a striker for the school's vastly well regarded Soccer team. Nic swept his long fringe up into a short pony tail and let it stand in a ridiculous fashion. Despite the oddly childish hairdo he was fashioning , it did little to hamper his movie star good looks . He could be a Calvin Klein model without even putting in effort but to Nic it was not what he considered a real job, looking pretty to him was something he considered to be of great inconvenience. He stretched his Long lean arm towards the ceiling and grunted loudly in annoyance . It was not that he had no idea how much he was passing off here in the states to fly back to Thailand. Especially with the talent scout that was set to appear in the next game to see him . But he had not even batted an eyelid when his mother called to inform him in the middle of the night that his maternal grandmother was gravely ill. It would not make any sense for him to be here and away from his family at a time like this and besides , the University that he was attending looked promising, especially from the way his little sister Chompoo was raving about the players, one might think Beckham himself was playing for them .
" I don't have a choice Roger ! It's only temporary and I promised the team I will be back as soon as her condition stabilises !They understand and you should too!" Nic ranted as he threw his roommate a looked that clearly stated that the conversation was over. Nic picked up his soccer ball and kicked it around the room in an attempt to distract himself . He was as nimble on his feet as any fighter in the ring and his height was the only thing that kept him from jumping as he was pretty much about to touch the ceiling in one leap.

Roger combed his blond hair back with his thick fingers and lumbered forward to give his friend a hand on shifting all his luggages down the dorm room to the awaiting car that was to transport him back to Thailand .

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