The fact of the matter

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*Tinn's house *

Tinn rarely came home these days with him having a place of his own , but the house where his family members resides in was still a place that he returned to for a couple of awkward family meals in a week . The meal was always prearranged and everyone had to very formally RSVP for the family to know that an individual was to be in attendance. The facade was something Tinn was accustomed to and willing to participate with the understanding that the family paid him the same consideration in return by granting him that freedom outside of the household.That day however, the agenda for the meal was not sent out and it was going odder by the moment as he walked into the grand hall expecting to see his immediate family members adorned in their signature cold demeanour but what greeted him was infact Pha, Kit and Beam . Too soon since their last meet , Tinn was not particularly overjoyed having to see the handsome doctor. The other two came as an added on bonus that he casually acknowledged with a nod . Tinn looked around the room to catch the attention of one of the cleaning crew and asked for the whereabouts of the rest to which the helper replied meekly :
" Sir and madam had to attended to a last minute call from the office and the dinner was cancelled . Young master Tul is away on a business trip and his family have decided to dine out instead. I am sorry for the inconvenience caused "

The helper was readying herself for Tinn to lash out in anger at having been "forgotten" but it came as a pleasant surprise when he simply thank her and requested for her to serve some drinks to his guests . Tinn's temper had improved greatly and he no longer made life difficult for his employee under the positive influence of a certain individual. But ofcourse that applied mostly for those in his service and those three fellas infront of him was anything but.

They broke the ice with mundane topics of yesteryears but the look of perpetual discomfort on the faces as they feigned interest in knowing what Tinn was up to was not missed by the young master who all along had the sharpest tool in the shed . Not wanting to make things weird so earlier on in the meet , Tinn made casual small talk and played along . After what seemed as though the conversation had ran out and the cold silence filled the air , Pha had the sense to come clean with the intention of their visit . But ofcourse the "truth" was less ridiculous sounding then he had expected it to be when he chimed :
" We were wondering if you could just let the whole animosity with Nic slide " Pha could have kicked himself for sounding like a tactless fellow who had more brawn than brain , to which he quickly substantiated with " seeing how he sort of saved your life when you were younger and all " The way he carelessly slipped in the last sensational piece of information did not down play the magnitude of it. Tinn as composed it he was could not hold back at expressing a mixture of disdain and mockery at that ridiculous piece of news.

" Pha have you gotten your medication mixed up and have taken to sprouting nonsense? I don't even know Nic , much less had to be rescued by him "

Beam stepped in at this juncture to Pha's rescue :
" We were all pretty young then and it's really not uncommon to have memories that are particularly unpleasant to be repressed into our subconscious ."

To which Kit supplemented with his own theory :
" That memory was hushed up by your family and it worked really well into the idea of pretending nothing happened when children who have impressionable brains involved ."

The ball was back in Pha's court as he recounts in more logical detail :
" Sigh...It was your Brother's birthday and we were all invited .. yes Nic too , this was a way of reaching out to the needy kids scheme I suppose , especially after his Father passed away and his grandparents being out of the picture then ofcourse... From what I recollect and what Nic tells me is that , the party was at your family's summer vacation house. I did a bit of research on my own and yes it was true,( Pha took out his phone and scrolled around until he came to the picture that he print screened from his old album and pressed the phone into Tinn's clammy hands) ..
Tinn's hand moved as though it was pulled by invisible strings to meet his gaze and there in plain sight before him was a picture of a group of well dressed group of kids , mostly smiling but a contained more well coerced expressions on their faces.Tinn's jaw almost dropped as his eyes scanned the photo and staring back at him amidst those young familiar faces ,unmistakably wearing a frown was a young version of himself . The background was that horrid place where he remembered to house the most heartbreaking moments of his childhood , the place where he learnt that his family members have less love for him then strangers, particularly his brother whom he idolised. As Tinn's brain started to throb in pain at the influx of input coming into his working memory , Pha's voice was still very vividly continuing his monologue that linked all the blurred lines :

Pha:" On that day itself , you were not acting normal ..."

Tinn mind responded " ofcourse I was not normal, I had just found out my brother harboured ill intentions against me when I overheard his phone conversation with his Mother.."

Pha: " You started throwing a huge tantrum after the adults insisted on you giving your brother a hug for the pictures but you refused with no reason given and ran off towards the lake . And before anyone could react in time , you had fallen in . Everything happened so fast , and Nic being the only one being nearest to you was trying to grab you out of the water. But you were thrashing around so hard that you dragged him in . By the time the adults could get either one of you out of the water.. Nic had hit has head on one of the big rocks. It all went by pretty fast at that time ..

Tinn could remember snippets of the day and as though a mist was being lifted from his minds eyes and he could recall that moment when he came out of the water ....shivering and looking around as the adults attempted to revive an unconscious boy who was bleeding badly ... there was so much blood . A chill ran through his spine as he reached forward to take a sip of water from the glass infront of him .

Pha continues: " Well you can imagine what happened after Nic was sent to the hospital , your parents washed their hands off the matter claiming it to be an accident . But Nic had suffered a concussion and was still in a coma, doctors were equally clueless to how they could help him.His parents were at their wits end and had no choice but to seek Nic's paternal grandparents for help. They were willing to help but with the condition that Nic was then forth put under their charge and raised by them. His mother as heartbroken as she was had to agree . He recovered with the best medical care money could buy but some part of his memory were lost, until today that is . You understand why we are telling you this right ... Tinn? Tinn?"

Tinn heard him just fine , but he did not have any answers to his question. What kind of logical answer would he be able to give after all that he has learnt . It was not his fault that things transpired the way it did but it did not prevent him from having this nagging guilt at the back of his mind. He was so busy being hurt that he had forgotten how another was being hurt by his actions . He looked to Pha and could not bring himself to tell him how he felt . Pha nodded as he understood how it must be like for him and that was when he realised this was the first time since he knew Tinn that he was able to see a glimpse of guilt on the young master's face . Pha wondered if they were indeed helping the matter when Tinn bowed his head in deep thought... Beam sighed and exchanged looks of bewilderment with Pha and Kit when Tinn finally lifted his head and in a very calm voice said " I may owe him my life but I don't see how me giving up Can who is equivalent to my soul be of any difference"
Tinn knew the debt must be paid but it will be under his own terms and not for Nic to decide . He put on his most diplomatic smile and continued : " So gentlemen , I would appreciate it if you could go back and tell your friend that he can play his mind games elsewhere cause I don't fancy the idea of letting him get his way . Especially if it involves my boyfriend . I believe you know your way out so I will not hold you up any longer." Tinn stood up and enjoyed the expressions that he drew on their faces before turning to leave towards his room . He knew that he needed to disarm his opponent and one way was to be confident which he had no lack of , empathy on the other hand,he will use sparingly . Tinn's brain was working in hyperactive mode as he tried to figure out what Nic's next move would be and what he had up his sleeves . And it was clear as day when he mumbled to himself ... " Can!"

As well calculated by Tinn, in another location, Can was being given the exact same information . But it was recounted from a different perspective..

Nic after having told Can what had happened that day of the accident and how it was the reason why he had disappeared from his life without a proper goodbye .. the part on how he left without having been able to fulfil the promise of bringing him to fly their paper plane together he held his tongue.

Can stammered as his eyes widened in recognition ," P'Plane ?! You are the one who taught me how to love ... Football. Wait you are my imaginary friend???" Can could vaguely remember his childhood friend that he hanged out with on a daily basis until if all seems like a figment of his imagination when the adults stopped talking about Nic or even acknowledging his existence making him wonder if he had been a imaginary friend. But not in his wildest dreams would Can have imagined all that had happened and the affinity that binds the three of them.

Hey peeps.. another update . A bit hard on Tinn and Cann this one is . Promise to be kinder next few chapters . Housekeeping matters I will comeback soon . Vote if you fancy it ☺️and comments too please .

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