The need to explain

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The boys on the team all turned in unison at the commotion that was taking place a few steps away.The dramatic water escapade that had just taken place a moment ago was now totally forgotten and in it's place ,a much juicier spectacle was unfolding right before their eyes . It was no surprise to everyone that Tinn was going to respond in the way that he did , being regarded as one of the most possessive and jealousy driven boyfriend, he would have taken the title of being the MVP if not for Ae who was equally unreasonable in matters concerning his darling Pete.
Type and Techno exchanged a look that could only read " I sense trouble !" They poised themselves to step in at any moment that Tinn was gonna send his fist flying in the direction of the handsome stranger. Most times Tinn acts as though he has all matters within his control and nothing fazes him , which was true considering the fact that his family practically owned this University. Most people understood it as such that it was pretty much a good idea to stay out of his way and hands off his property or person in this case.

Nic had to admit ,it was rather amusing to be in a situation as peculiar as this .He did not take very long to figure out who this newcomer was and how he was related to Can, it was almost as clear as day , what puzzled him however was how he fitted into this puzzle. Considering how most people often assumed just because he looked like a Greek god , the heavens would in all fairness need to counterbalance this gift with a shortcoming in the form of a minuscule brain . He for one was not a jock and the fact that he was able to get into one of the most prestigious schools in the States based on a scholarship that encompassed stellar grades and an inspiring sports background goes to prove it. He was in this sense very intuned to what was happening before him and got around to access the scenario very systematically in his head. His brain worked in coordination with his eyes as it scanned the expression of livid anger on Tinn's face as he grabbed the flustered looking Can near to his body. As though something clicked in his head, he let out and an Eureka expression that was basically in the form of his signature one eyebrow raise. He wanted to explain what was happening but in all case , it was a bit too late when he was cut off even before he could open his mouth .

" You stay away from him." Tinn spoke as though each word would had the same impact of a bullet and shot them at a very precise target.The tone was icy cold and the most demeaning part of it all was the fact that he did not even think Nic was worth his time or words to be addressed by him . He grabbed Can's hand and pulled the helpless looking boy in the general direction of the parking lot. At that moment Can could only follow in quiet obedience as he knew better than to protest in the face of a pissed off Tinn.

* At the carpark*

" You know you could have just asked me what happened and not pull me along with you like a rag doll in front of everybody" Can spoke up in protest as soon as the doors to Can's car were slammed shut by the owner , but not before he shoved his soaked boyfriend into the passenger seat. Can's voice trailed off mid sentence as soon as he turned to look at his boyfriend who from the look on his face was not over the matter yet .
" I am not going to ask who he is or what happened because I don't accept any reason that that he could give me for touching you" the bitterness in Tinn voice was enough to balance how corny his words truly were .
Can could not help but sigh at how hopeless the situation was to explain to him. He knew there was only one way to make his grumpy boyfriend calm down. He leaned in and as slowly as he could to comfort his boyfriend wrapped his hands around Tin's neck as he drew the handsome face near to his own. As his hot breath from his breathing stroked the cheeks of Tinn's cold face, the latter gradually relaxed . In a slow teasing manner , Can's lips hovered just so slightly around Tin's and gently pressed those soft lips which could be so cruel at times, together with his . The kiss started gentle and silk like but as soon as the two lips collided , the heat that was fanned from it aroused a response of deep longing to proclaim ownership from the owner of those cruel lips. Tinn immediately threw himself on Can and with one hand inclining the passenger seat backwards , all the time deepening the kiss. His tongue drove deeper into Can's mouth and explored every corner of it as their tongues knitted around in their mouth to a rhythm that was fast paced as their heart. Ahhh.. a deep moan escaped Can's lips as Tinn's hands were now gradually straying downwards. His hands were stopped almost immediately by Can who took all his strength to snap himself out of this erotic episode to the sudden realisation of where they were . Can wrestled free from Tinn and attempted to incline his seat back up again while saying in a panic tone of voice ..
" Tinn... we can't do this here .. it's the carpark for crying out loud"
But the escape was short lived as Tinn in one tug of Can's waist in a back hug he drew him down again and Can was back under Tinn who had now shifted and leaned his whole body towards Can from the driver side .
" No , I am not done getting my apology from you yet" whispered Tinn as he plastered his thin lips on Can's ears and snaked his tongue in . This made the smaller boy squirm as though he had just had a jolt of electricity run through his entire body. Tin continued tormenting Can with his touches as his roaming hands slowly glossed under the fabric of Can's shorts and roamed around under the coarse hair that was in ambush of the awaiting already hardened member . Tin grabbed the already leaking member in his hand and pumped in a familiar motion that evoked a great sense of satisfaction in Can who in an explosion of need grabbed Tinn's face down towards him for a deep kiss to express his need.
" Faster! Yes faster" Can pleaded inbetween Long breath-taking kisses . He felt his whole body jerk as the very essence of his body was released into Tinn's hands. Can gradually turned to look at his Boyfriend and saw a smug look of pleasure on his face . He knew Tinn needed to proclaim his ownership over him as he was so self conscious of himself and needed to be assured that his boyfriend was not going to look at anyone else other than himself . He smooched Tinn in a way that held the promise to say he was not going to go anywhere and Tinn was infact the only one he could feel so strongly towards .

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