The start of trouble

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*Bangkok Thailand*

Tinn gathered his thoughts as he got ready to head out to the university . His motions were fluid and mechanical as he wore his tie and adjusted his sleeves while purposefully positioning himself infront of a full length Victorian mirror that was antique like every piece of furniture in his estate. This handsome young man was very systematic and distinguished in his mannerism as he showed little tolerance for unkempt appearance.

Yet he revealed a mischievous smirk quite foreign to his distinguished features as he took up a neatly folded and pressed dark grey checkered handkerchief from his drawer. He gently placed it in his left pocket and made a quick mental note to himself to visit his boyfriend's booth at the sports carnival later. From how the latter was sacrificed to be the person in the dunking booth , he was going to need the handkerchief . He quickly whipped out his phone and dialled this said person on his speed dail. His tidy brows kneaded in dismay as the dial tone was immediately disengaged. His composed demeanour was disturbed and the only person who could have this kind of effect on the young master was no other than his boyfriend ,Can.

* At the sports carnival *

" **** !!! It's not fair ! Why am I here in this position waiting for people to dunk me into a pool of iced cold water just because I happened to be late for 5 minutes" Can shrieked at the top of his lungs.
His complaints were completely ignored as P'Type and P'No each lifted his arms from both sides and carried him into the dunking tank and placed him carefully on the seat. A small group had gathered at the Soccer team's booth to watch this comical sight.

Can hunched down in his seat and awaited his demise all the while shooting dirty looks at his seniors who were happily sniggering away. At that moment , a foreign voice came from the crowd.
" Can I have a shot at this game?"
Everybody turned around to address the owner of this sauve voice whose physical appearance matched it perfectly.
Nic met ever curious glance that turned to greet him and he waved his hand in a universal greeting to the team. P'Type snapped out of the trance that this good looking person had placed on them with his entrance and everyone gradually snapped out of it in turn and it seems as though there was a collective release of batted breaths. P'Type was polite in his explanation to Nic on how he simply needed to kick the ball at the target that would release the mechanism and send Can flying into the tank of water . And as the ball was placed firmly on the ground in front of Nic, he recalled how he was dragged early this morning by his sister to visit the Soccer team's booth and meet this awesome player called Ae, but somehow she has disappeared with her friend, Lemon, as soon as they arrived at the carnival and here he was.

Nic was not too comfortable with the idea of sending anyone into a tank of iced cold water , especially a future team mate and glanced in the direction of Can . Can shot him a look of disdain and motioned for him to try it if he dared. Nic was taken aback at the audacity of his young man and without so much as a glance at the target he kicked the ball swiftly.

And before Can could even hold his breath, he was swept off his butt and into a pool of ice cold water.

Everyone on the team was taken aback by this stranger's strong and accurate aim and little help was rendered by the team to Can as he struggled soaking wet in an attempt to get out of the tank.
" Come let me help you get out of there !"
Nic extended his arm and reached out to Can in a gesture that showed his apology and sincerity to help. An idea struck Can at that moment and in one swift motion, he grabbed Nic's hand and pulled the person responsible for his state into the water with him. Nic was too taken aback to react and before he knew it ,he was trashing around the water with the guy who wore the most attractive smile as he laughed in glee at his genius plan.

*Thump* The heart skipped a beat.

After getting out of the tank , Nic introduced himself to Can and the team as they dried themselves off under the strong sun. Everyone was singing Nic's praises for his skills and wanted to know his interest to join the team . All but one person. Can was sitting looking solemnly at his phone that was wet as it had
fallen along with him into the water. He was seriously annoyed at his carelessness and could not shake off the feeling of guilt that was raising up from the pit of his stomach just imagining how his boyfriend would react at the knowledge of his gift ending up in this state. It was not about the money but more of a sentimental reason as it was after all the first gift he has bought for Can. Lost in his thoughts, he did not realise a tall handsome silhouette that was standing behind him before he turned at the sound of a slight coughing sound.

Nic extended his hand to Can in greeting and to this, the other responded with a questioning look . Thinking in his head how Nic had to be a foreigner to have such mannerism and not to mention, he had very sharp features . He was not someone who bothered to assess someone in terms of their looks and he was a clueless as ever to how Nic was someone most would consider to be drop dead gorgeous.

" I am sorry I dunk you into the water , but you did pull me into the water too I Guess we are even ?" Nic did not withdrew his hand as he waited for the young man to shake it .
" Huh ?! Oh ya . I Guess you can call it that ."

Can continued to fiddle on his phone which still was not responding . Nic followed Can's line of vision and understood the problem at once .

" Can I take a look at it for you ? Your phone , I might just be able to help you with it"
Can placed his phone into Nic's palm and looked on as the other boy quickly dismantled the battery from the phone and after a while he mumbled how it might just work if he restarted it. " let's take a look at" , the phone came alive in his hands and the screen lit up and so did Can's face.
Nic looked up and was greeted with the same mesmerising smile for the second time .
* Thump * *Thump *

Nic handed the phone back to Can and was about to ask for his name when....
" P'Can !" A high tone broke the silence and coming towards them with wide smiles on their faces was Lemon and Chompoo.

"Oh I see you have met each other !  P'Can this is P'Nic , Chompoo's brother from the States and he is going to be attending school here in the same University starting next week." Lemon explained as quickly as possible to Cann and walked off after becoming distracted by the sounds from another booth.
With the brief introduction done, Can ran to his bag and pulled out a towel . Without thinking so much as to dry himself off he handed the tall boy the towel . Nic was taken aback by the kind gesture and accepted the towel. After wiping his face he instinctively place the towel on the Can's head and dried his hair for him . To Nic , Can seems like the sort of person that he naturally called into his protective instincts . Can was taken aback and was about to refuse when from nowhere he felt a strong force pulling him backwards away from Nic .

Can swirled around and when he looked to see who or what was the cause of this force, he saw a pair of cold eyes that normally looked to him 
gently staring down at him . He could feel Tinn's anger from the sheer force that he was using to grab his arm and he looked like he was angry enough to cause some serious damage.Tinn shifted his gaze to the person who he wanted to bend out of shape and it was none other then Nic who had a look of amusement on his face.

Can looked to Tinn and then to Nic .

I wrote this in a moment of impulse as I was so gonna miss the Tin Can characters with the end of LBC . And thought to pen down some of the scenarios that could have been great to imagine. Will continue to write it out and see how it all plays out . Hope you like it ;)

Keep your hands off him ( TinnxCan )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ