Chapter 1

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Yet again I don't know who this belongs too. ^ (the image)

Keith's POV
As lance and I watched a movie in the living room, He started kissing my neck. "B-babe not now." I said. "But u taste soooo good..." lance said in a sexy voice. He knew my weak spot was my neck and his voice. Since everyone on the ship was asleep I thought nobody would hear us anyways. He started leaving marks all around my neck. "Okay maybe just this once.." I said feeling very aroused. I climbed on his lap and started to kiss him deeply. He deepened the kiss and lick the bottom of my lip asking for entrance. I let him over dominate me, I just wanted him so badly. He tugged my shirt asking if it was okay to take off my shirt. I nodded and with that he took off both of our shirts breaking the kiss for a moment before connecting again. Lance started to unbuckle his pants and I started to grind on his lap to create some friction. Once lance took off his pants and boxers off, I took my pants and boxers off too. He started prepping me and our kissing became more and more rough. "You know I like u like this. Ur much more quiet." Lance said. "S-Shut up..and fuc-ck me already!" I moaned in his ear. "What do u say?" He asked. "PLEASE DaDDY-" I moaned loudly as he entered. I started riding him, going at a slow pace then quickly picked up the pace. At this point I was screaming in joy. I felt a knot in my stomach, "L-laNCE I'm gOINg to cUm!" I moaned out and with that I came all over lance's stomach and Lance came deep inside me. "Y-you did good babe.." lance panted. "I would say the same thing to u.." I said out of breath. Lance pulled out and wrapped a blanket over me and took me to his room. He laid me down on his bed and I was too weak and tired to do anything, so I slowly fell asleep.

Lance's POV
As I laid my prince on my bed, I took a shower. I put my silky blue robe on along with some clean boxers. I went back to the living room to grab our clothes. I was walking back to my room till I saw Keith run across the hall into the bathroom. I threw our clothes somewhere in my room and ran after Keith. As I walked into the bathroom he was puking and crying. I pulled back his hair and comforted him while he puked. "Baby what's wrong?" I asked him patting his back. "I-I'm fine.." Keith said sternly. "Let me grab u some clothes and medicine." I said running out of the bathroom. As the doors shut behind me, i ran to Keith's room and grabbed him some boxers and ran back to my room to grab one of my big shirts for him. I ran to the medical room and grabbed some medicine and water. When I got to the bathroom I gave Keith the clothes to change into and I prepared some medicine as he changed. "Here babe,take this." I said. "N-no I'm fine r-really." He said. "A-are u sur-". Keith then puked again. I pulled his hair back into a pony tail and rubbed his back. Shiro happened to walk by and see Keith puking into the toilet. "W-woah keith Are u alright!?" Shiro asked panicking. "Yea-h I'm fine." Keith gagged on his words. "He's been saying that when I asked him too." I said to shiro. Shiro sighed, "fine..lance tell me if anything else happens. I'm going to try to sleep again." Shiro said. I nodded. "Cmon keith u need to get rest." I said picking him up. It made me feel bad to see Keith so sick. I laid Keith down on my bed carefully and joined him. I snuggled him and we both eventually fell asleep.

TIME SKIP : Morning
As I woke up I didn't feel keith next to me. Being the worried person I am, I got up fast to change. I looked around the castle to find Keith. I entered the control room where everyone was. Keith had his face buried in his knees and arms,I walked over to him.  "Hey lance come check this out! This is the plan to take out the Galra!" Pidge said very excited. "You should go join them.." Keith said. "Wait what about u? Don't u need to know it too?" I asked. "I already know the whole plan. Go" he said getting up and walking out. "O-okay.. I'm coming." Pidge started telling me about the whole plan. Allura was looking at Keith weirdly as if she knew something about Keith.

I hope u guys enjoyed this new series. More will be coming but I'm not going to post anymore of my klance Modern because I don't really like that book but if I post more on that then thats shocking. Bye my òwós

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