Chapter 2

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Allura (space Mom's)POV

I knew what Keith was hiding. He had a lot of the symptoms for pregnancy. The thing was, did he know? Who is the father? I'm guessing the father was some stupid Galra. He can't his this forever. 'I should go talk to him' I thought. "Allura, Are u listening?" Shiro asked. "Excuse me for just a moment.." I said walking towards the door Keith left out of.

Keith's POV
I sped walked to my room as fast as I could and had a mental breakdown I had no clue why. All I could think was I just stormed out for no reason. Suddenly I felt a wave of sickness so I ran to the bathroom and puked. "K-Keith? Are u okay?" Allura asked. I jumped a bit but nodded my head no. "Keith, can you follow me to the medical wing, please?" Allura asked. I didn't want to move but I wanted to know what's wrong with me so I can get over it quickly. "S-sure.." I said getting up slowly.


"Let me grab Coran for a moment." Allura said walking out of the room. "Hey Allura? Can u bring shiro too?" I asked. "Of course." She said walking out of the room. Within seconds shiro ran into the room worried. "KEITH KEITH!
A-Are u okay?? Did someone hurt you??" Shiro said running to the side of me. "I-I don't know. Allura?" I said. Her and Coran ran tests. "This might be a little cold." Allura said putting weird blue jelly on my stomach and rubbing a weird stick on my stomach that looked like a pen. "Why do you need to do this?" Shiro said looking at Allura. "You never know if something serious is going on with him." She replied. "P-princess y-you might w-want to see this." Coran said. Allura looked worried and whispered with Coran a little ways from shiro and I. "S-shiro I'm scared.." I said. "Everything will most likely be okay." He said. He didn't look like he believed what he said. "K-Keith we have no clue how to say this b-" Allura began before Coran butted in. "Keith your pregnant!!"
Shiro looked like he was going to give me a lecture. "Keith!! Why-who-what? You're 18!! You shouldn't be having a kid at this age! You have a life to live. You're throwing away your freedom!" Shiro said. "I'm..I'm sorry.." I said quietly. "Can u guys give us a minute..alone." Shiro said looking at Coran and Allura. They didn't question and left immediately. Allura looked disappointed but Coran looked super happy.

Lances POV
Hunk,pidge,and I were reciting memes before we heard LOUD yelling coming from across the castle. It sounded like shiro, I jumped up and ran towards the yelling. Pidge and hunk were trotin along slowly. As I got closer I heard loud sobbing too. The sobbing didn't sound familiar. I saw Allura smacking her head against a clipboard and Coran with a sad look. "Hey Guys What's wr-" I said before shiro yelled again, "WHO DID U DO THAT WITH!? I GET THAT U ARE A TEEN BOY EXPERIMENTING BU-". "I-i d-don't ne-ed to k-now...I do-don't want to s-s-say." A familiar voice said. It sounded like Keith. Shiro yelled, "KEITH! I NEED TO KNOW WHO SO I CAN HAVE A TALK WITH THEM!!" was Keith. He was sobbing and I couldn't take it anymore it almost made me cry. I barged into the room "K-Keith??" Shiro looked at me like he was trying to calm himself. "Talk to him like a person! Not a disobedient dog." I said running to Keith and wiping his tears away. His violet eyes went to a sad blue. "Shiro what's going on?" I asked. "I-I'm Sorry keith. I should've been more reasonable with you. I'm just worried for my little brother. Keith can tell you if he wants to." Shiro said leaving trying to control himself. I kissed Keith's tears away. I said to Keith. "Baby? Hey it's okay he was just worried about yo-"  "How do u know!? U weren't here. U don't love me!" Keith said storming off to his room most likely. I felt like something punched me in the gut. "Lance I think we need to talk." Allura said.

End of chapter 2
It was sorta rushed. I'll post a better chapter tomorrow. (Hopefully)

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