Chapter 3

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(Angst/fluff) (sorry I didn't post sooner Iv been caught up with a lot of stuff. I hope u guys enjoy the chapter)

Lances POV
Allura was telling me I should give Keith some space. The thing is she never told me what was going on!

"I think it's best if Keith told you himself when he is ready.." Allura said

All I could think of was beyond bad.

"I need to go find him, I feel bad for not being there quick enough.." I said storming out of the room In search of Keith.


I have checked everywhere! I suddenly became more worried.

As I walked past the lion hanger. I heard a lion roar. I quickly grew scared that Keith was leaving.

Keith's POV

I scared beyond belief..

I was pregnant with lance's the middle of a war. This was no place for a child. How could I even be pregnant!? I'm a guy...that's Galra...could it be from me being Galra!? No shit of course It is...right?

I heard my name being called and crazily fast footsteps behind me.

"KEITH!! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Lance yelled.

Oh crap..

I started speed walking faster and ran into the nearest room.

I wanted to run into lances comforting arms but Allura might have told him already..I'm not  ready to face lance..the one who is responsible for this..

I quickly ran into reds hanger and jumped into the cockpit.

Tears started falling down my face.

I couldn't help crying. I was scared..what if he Doesn't love me anymore. What if he is going to yell at me like shiro did..

My vision was so blurry I didn't see lance run into the hanger.


Lances POV

I ran into Reds cockpit to see something that made everything more dark in the world.

I ran over to Keith who was curled up to himself sobbing madly.

"Keith..shh.. I'm here I'm not letting u go. I promise whatever you did, I won't yell at you like Shiro did." I said cradling Keith in my arms.

"L-lance I'm sorry..I-I" Keith sobbed.

"No. Don't be sorry, you did nothing wrong. I should've been there quicker I'm so sor-" I began.

"L-lance its n-not your f-fault..e-either.." , Keith said.

"We don't have to talk about this. I can wait till you're ready to tell me." I said hugging him more tightly.

"Okay.." Keith said getting ahold of himself.

I picked Keith up, where his legs were wrapped around my waste and his head buried in my neck.

Klance pregnancy AU~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora