Prologue Part 1

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I remember him. As clear as day.

His jet black hair hanging from his face.

His tiny, dark eyes staring down at the book he was reading as he sat in the corner of the classroom.

I was in elementary school then, but yet that memory is so clear to me.

His aura made him different from others.

He didn't let anyone in. He just sat there. In that same seat. Day after day.

In a way, he reminded me of myself.

I remember.

One night, when I was crying, I looked to the sky. The stars and the moon shone brightly. They watched over everyone.

I thought about that boy. He always looked so lonely.

I wonder if he's watching the stars too.

I held my hand out.

"If he is," I said to the stars, "Then, I hope that one day, both me and him can smile under the moonlight. So that he wouldn't feel alone ever again."

That very moment, I felt arms going around me. I looked to see a boy's--no, it was that boy's sleek, black hair hanging from my shoulder. I felt drops of tears going down his cheeks. His arms went around my neck, his body moving closer, embracing me.

"Thank you." He whispered.

I turned around to his body hugging my back. It was also just a glimpse, but I saw it. Black wings. They emerged from his back, enveloping us. They felt strangely warm.

The boy turned his face to me, tears still falling, and said to me.

"Thank you. The next time, when I come back...

... I'll make you mine."

Then with a gust of wind, I couldn't feel the warmth of his body or his wings any longer. In my hand, I had a lone black feather.

That was the last time I ever saw him. He didn't show up in class after that.

Yet, in a way l was happy. ln the last moment l saw him...

...He smiled. He smiled just for me.

That was indeed the last time l saw that black angel.

Until now.

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