Prologue Part 2

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Two years later:

"Hey Lia!"

"Yeah?" Lia yelled to her older brother, Ken. "What?"

"Did you hear?" He said as he sat in the couch in the living room. "There's this new kid the police are chasing after."

"Bad things really are increasing lately." Lia took a seat beside her brother as he started staring at her.

"What?" She asked, licking her fingers after eating popcorn.

"Nothing. Just that you don't talk like a 12 year old."

"What are 12 year olds supposed to talk like?"

"I don't know. Less mature?"

"Nah. You're just talking about how you used to act when you were 12." Their father said as he came into the room.

"Dad, do you know what they're calling the new criminal?" Ken asked.

"Yeah." Their father replied. "Black Angel."

"Why's that?" Lia asked, now crawled into her brother's lap.

"Because of his black wings, little sis."

The TV cameraman flashed a photo of that angel. He looked about her age. And he smirked. That smile Lia knew very well. And Lia knew that face. She knew who that little angel was.

Immediately, she ran out the room, to her apartment's balcony.

The weather was gloomy. It had been raining for the past few days. She held out her hand, like she had on that day 2 years ago.

Then... He appeared.

"So it was you." Lia said to the black winged angel before her. "Sae."

You remember me." He smiled. His aura the same as before yet somewhat... different.

"Its my first time seeing you in 2 years and you're already giving off that bad guy aura."

"Its only because of you I'm able to smile like this." He smiled then hung his head. "I wanna ask you. Are you willing to come with me?"


"Who knows. I'm a criminal. I have to run. I have no intention of getting captured after all." He ran his fingers through his hair then stepped onto the balcony railing. "I have things l need to do and l have a feeling you can help me. But even if you don't want to come with me, I'll come back."

"I promised you remember? I'll make you mine one way or another."

"Then take me." Lia said with a smile. "I told you too remember? That I'd never let you be alone again."

"You really are interesting." He entwined his fingers with hers and picked her up.

With a gust of wind, they vanished.


All that was remaining were dark, black feathers.

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