Memory 2: Those of Our Past

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Dedicated to my best friend. She who said to hurry up and update this story.


Sae's wound was bad. Lia tended to his leg and arm, but it would be a while before it completly healed. 

He was there, on the bed laying down. It had been 2 days since then. Lia was in the kitchen making food for tonight, when she noticed they were out of salt. She looked towards Sae. l'll go out for a little while. l'm sure he won't mind if l leave a note. She quickly jotted down on the paper that she'd be at the store and she'd be back in a half hour. She headed out.

There were shops and stands all around there. Lia remembered how she used to go and play around this neighbourhood when she was little with her big brother. She smiled, remembering those times. Then there ought to be...

She turned around the corner and there it was. Her parents' shop. Lia smiled and walked in.

"How may l help you miss?" Lia's brother called.

"l would like a pack of salt, please." Lia replied.

"Of course. Please wait a moment." Lia looked around. There on the wall behind the counter she saw a photo. lt was one of her when she was little.

"Here you are." Ken said, handing her the bag of salt. He saw her looking at the photograph. "That was my little sister."

"l see. Where is she now? lf you don't mind me asking."

"She disappeared. That was 6 years ago." Lia remembered how she had left without telling her family.

"Do you miss her?"

"l do." Ken said. "Sit down." he pulled a chair and sat. "l want her to come back. l know she's still in this world. But..."

Lia wondered what her brother had thought at the time.

"...Somehow l think that wherever she is right now, l think that she's happy." Lia's eyes widened at her bother's words. "That girl was always smiling and laughing. And even if she was 10 at the time, she was mature more than any 10 year old l've ever seen. So l think that if she left of her own will, l don't think she would've made a bad decision. l didn't want her to leave, but if she's happy where ever she is, then that's good enough for me."

The door to the shop slamed open. Both Lia and Ken turned. The man who had halfway knocked down the door was none other than Sae.

"You...! How dare you leave...?!" His voice still shaky.

"Sae!" Lia went to him and steadied him as he was about to fall. "You shouldn't be out in your condition. " Then she turned to Ken who was staring dumbfounded. "l'm sorry but l'll be taking my leave now."

She went to hand him the money for the salt but he shook his head. "S'alright. But..."


"Can l get your name?" Lia smiled and laughed.

"Lia. Thanks, Ken!" She then left. Ken stood waving until he realized that he hadn't told her his name. His eyes went wide when he realized. He laughed.

"Oh, god. That little sister of mine."


Lia got Sae back in his bed. Then she tried to let go of his hand that she had been holding onto but he wouldn't let go. She turned and bent down to see his face. His hand she felt in hers was trembling.

"Why did you come...?" she asked.

"I... thought that you were going to leave." Sae's silky jet black hair hung from his face. "l know. l took you away from your family."

Lia brushed his hair from his face and saw those soft brown eyes trembling with every word. "Do you know? At that shop, l met my elder brother. He didn't know at the time that l was Lia but do you know what he said?" she smiled. "He said, "Even if she was 10 at the time, she was mature more than any 10 year old l've ever seen. So l think that if she left of her own will, l don't think she would've made a bad decision. l didn't want her to leave, but if she's happy whereever she is, then that's good enough for me." And you should know. lt was my decision to come with you. l told you remember? l wouldn't let you be alone again. Ken said that he was alright with me leaving as long as l'm happy where l am now. And l am. l am happy. Being right by your side is all l would ever want."

Tears flowed down Sae's cheeks. These tears were warm. Like the ones he had shed when Lia had wished that she and him could look at the stars together.

"l've been by your side all these years. l'm sure as heck not gonna leave now."

"Thank you."

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