Memory 5: Merry Christmas!

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Snow silently trickled down her face. She held out her hand and she saw a tiny snowflake melt in her warmth. 

"Snow, huh?" Lia said, slipping out of the busy streets. Sae and Kiara had sent her out shopping. She walked through some trees before finally reaching home. Her home with Kiara and Sae, that is. 

"Lia!" Kiara got up as she saw her and helped her carry the bags to the kitchen. As they were organizing the groceries, Lia felt Kiara stare at her. 

"What?" Lia asked her. "Is there something on my face?" 

"No." Kiara laughed. "It's just that you seem happy today. You’ve been smiling like crazy.”

“Really?!” Lia went to examine her face in the mirror, making Kiara laugh even more. “i guess it’s because of the snow.” She said.

“It was snowing?” Kiara asked, pulling out a pack of milk.

Lia nodded. “Yeah. Winter is coming up! And that means Christmas!” she replied, cheerfully.

“Christmas?” Kiara asked. “What’s that?”

Lia dropped the cup in her hand, making a loud noise.

“Hey!” Sae yelled, coming into the kitchen. “Don’t break things!”

“Oh, Sae.” Kiara said to him. “I’m just asking Lia what Christmas is.“

“Huh?” he replied, dumbfounded. “Then enlighten me, Lia. I don’t know what it is either.”

I swear Lia’s jaw was on the floor. She collected the cup she had dropped and put it in the sink. Then she turned, wide eyed, to Kiara and Sae. “You guys really don’t know what Christmas is?” they both shook their heads. She stared at them for a while. Then a huge smile burst out on her face. “Oh my gosh.” She said. “Okay. I’m gonna make this the best Christmas for you guys!”

“But what is it?” Sae asked, still waiting for an answer.

“Hm...” she wondered for a while. “It’s hard to explain... but, for now, let’s just say that it’s a time filled with fun things and fun times spent with the ones you love!” Lia went into her room and grabbed a notebook. Before she sat down and began scribbling a list in it, she said to the two in front of her, “So look forward to it, okay?”

Later that day, Sae and Kiara went out. After they had left, Lia decided that this was the perfect time. Time for what, you ask? You’ll see.

“What. The. Hell.“ dropping his coat on the ground, Sae started dumbfounded at what the living room of his home had become. There were streamers, colourful banners, lights and whatnot sprawled out on the floor, many hanging from the ceiling and wreaths hanging on every door. To top it all off, there was a huge pine tree with colourful and sparkly things on it. I think that it all looked pretty good but i have a feeling that it’s a little to cheerful for Sae’s taste.

“Holy, love!” Kiara gasped as  she stepped into the room.

“Hey, guys!” Lia replied, cheerfully making a bow. “Welcome home!”

Sae snapped.

“DON’T ‘WELCOME HOME’ ME!” he yelled. “WHAT THE HELL IS THIS CRAP?! I WANT IT ALL CLEANED UP BY THE TIME I GET BACK, GOT IT?!” with that, he stormed off to his room. Kiara looked worriedly at Lia whose eyes were welling up with tears. She got up and ran out the front door.

“Lia!” Kiara yelled after her. She searched the entire premises around the house but there was no sign of her.

By dinner time, there was still no sign of her, and Kiara was worried. Although by this time, she was even more mad at Sae for yelling at her. So, unable to hold her anger, she walked over to Sae’s office, and slammed his door open. The room was just plain black. No sense of style at all. Sae was at his desk, reading something when Kiara slammed her hands onto his desk.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2013 ⏰

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