Everything gets a bit harder, day by day.

16 3 5

Everything has been getting harder and harder for me to do. I guess my expectations are just that low and that my goals are just too high.

I don't do work, and the people around me don't (probably won't ever) expect me to do the work. Mainly because it's become a routine of mine to fail and go through my fear over and over.

I t'ndluow eb desirprus, yhw... woh dluoc yeht tsurt em?

I guess when you rely on someone to help you, you have to be expected to be let down. Especially when someone lets you down every time you rely on them.

Taht sdnuos ekil em.

For every person I trust, I have a distrust for them. You can never trust someone completely, because everyone is flawed and to respect flaws, you must accept them and sometimes expect them.

Doesn't mean you can't expect more of someone. There's a balanced, even if it's slightly tipped for one person.

Then again, I can't trust myself, so it's better to rely on others..

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