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There she lay, in the hospital bed hooked up to many,many machines that she had no clue of the names. She couldn't remember the reason why she was in pain. Just then she heard the click of the door and a guy with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes stood in the doorway. He stood in shock to see that she was finally awake. "You're awake. They said you wouldn't wake up," he said as he took a step closer to her. When he got close enough she could see that he was crying. "Ummmm, not to be disrespectful or anything, but who are you," she asked in a raspy voice. He took a step back and looked at her with fear in his eyes. "I'm y-your boyfriend," he screamed. Tears started to run down his face. "Oh, I'm so sorry," she replied not knowing what to say. "You're sure you don't remember," he asked hopefully. "I'm sorry. I don't remember anything," she croaked. She began to feel really bad. If he really was her boyfriend, she stopped then all of a sudden she closed her eyes and started to recollect her memory, but instead if opening her eyes they stayed closed forever.

A/n So this is my second short story and personally I didn't think this one was as good but that's only my opinion. I'm putting these in here so I can see what other people think and perfect my writing. Now that doesn't mean that I want you to roast the heck out of my story just give me advice. Also to anyone reading this go check out one of my friends stories her user is alisonbutler3 and read her Avengers X reader stories. Thanks loves. Till next time.❤❤❤

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