Words hurt like knives

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Those words that he said only gets worse. They never stop like people said they would.  The kinds of words that tear you down and only boil your anger further. At least I can end it soon. She's the girl that is tired of being picked on. She's tired of those looks. She doesn't even understand why they are being said, all she knows is that words hurt like knives. All of a sudden her friends started to think she was fake. All the people she didn't care about now started calling her a slut, a bitch, crazy, a man, and that she's ugly. Even the smallest things like calling her a man set her off. She was done with the names. She put on a fake smile and no one knew that she was going to take her life that day. She went home and found the knife in the drawer and made sure to sharpen it. She also grabbed a paper and pencil. She wrote her heart out to her parents then started the bath water. Quickly the water changed from clear to red.

A/N  I'm not depressed, and this isn't based on my own thoughts. This is just how I write. Some of my stories are just dark and depressing because that is just the mood of the story. Just thought I would get this out before people think that I'm this way. Yes, there are things that have happened in my life, but I'm not suicidal. 

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