You're Totally Full of BS

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I had volunteering that weekend, so distracting myself from Jay wasn't hard.  

But, come Monday, he was back again, roaring down the road with his bike.

I stood in the parking lot, after getting out of my parents car, my mum had volunteered to take me this morning instead of taking the bus, I think she just wanted out of the house of a bit.

I waited for Jay drive into the park, but someone grabbed me and spun me around. 

Before I could understand what was going on, I was being violently shaken by my shoulders. 

"What. Are. You. Thinking?" The voice said between shakes. 

She let go and I fixed my hair. "Holy crap, Mia. Calm down." 

"I saw Jay's post!" She exclaimed, ignoring me. 

"I know." I bit my lips again and looked down at my feet. I felt all fuzz and warm inside again. 

"You're dating gunpowder Ellie. And you’re a bullet. One day someone's going to come along and ignite him which is he'll throw you so far; it will hurt you and everyone else you touched." She shook her head. 

"Maybe I want to be a little bit reckless this time." I said, sitting on the parking bump. 

"Yes, but last time you were reckless, we were kicked out of the movie theater." Mia lifted her eyebrows. 

"Yea, but we were like 12 then." I shrugged. Then I heard the roar of his engine finally rolling into the parking lot. "I think you should go." 

"Just know, I'm not gonna be there when you are set off." She stood and left me as Jay walked up. 

"Where is she going?" Jay asked. 

"Class. Like we should be." I tugged on his arm. 

"Fine, fine." He laughed and we headed into the school. 

During lunch I met with the band because Sam, the drummer, had news. 

"So, after a little bit of convincing, the owner of the new club downtown has given up an hour slot in the showcase!" He smiled. 

We all cheered and high fived each other, then Sam raised his hands to get us to settle down. 

"Okay, it's in two weeks and we have to come up with an hour set list." He said. 

I spoke up. "Well, I mean most of the songs we have will pretty much make up half hour, I'm working something new and we can do some covers." 

"Awesome. How soon can we see the new stuff?" Sam asked. 

"Friday. Defiantly." I nodded.

"Awesome." He replied. "Who should we cover?" 

Rian looked at his watch. "Can we do this Friday? Class is gonna start in 2 minutes." 

"Okay. Friday." He nodded and we gathered our things and left the music room. 

I got to English and sat in my seat. I was a little late, almost everyone was seated already. Okay maybe really late because even Jay was there. 

He winked at me as I sat and I found a note on my desk. As the teacher started the lecture, I opened the note. 

"Mom's lake house. Friday night? - Jay" it read. 

I wrote underneath it and sent it back. "I'm busy." 

He sent it back a few moments later. 

"What could be more important than a night out with your boyfriend?" 

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