Our Personal Hell

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The next morning, I was woken by a tidal wave of nausea that passed over me. I rolled out of the bed and stumbled out the door down the hall, trying to remember where the bathroom was. I couldn't see anything clearly; my contacts were all screwed up.

I finally stumbled into the bathroom and threw myself against the toilet. I lifted the seat and threw up what I was pretty sure more than just what I ate last night. 

When I finished throwing all my insides into the toilet, I heard Jay chuckling by the door.

"You know what a good cure for hang over is? A greasy burger and a side of bacon fat." He laughed. 

"I hate you." I mumbled holding my head against the rim of the bowl. The cool porcelain felt good against my skin. 

"I know." He said walking over. He gently helped me sit up against the tub and pulled My hair back. 

He didn't get very far; I pulled away and started to throw up again. Clearly my body was not happy with me. Jay tried to keep my hair out of my face, but with all the layers, he had a difficult time. 

After I finished, he flushed the toilet and helped me up. "That should be it." 

"I feel awful." I groaned, leaning against the wall. 

"Yea, your first hangover usually is pretty rough." Jay said as he patted my shoulder. 

When I looked up, I finally took in how he looked. His hair was wild as usual, but he still had sleep marked all over his face. His eyes we a little glazed over and he had a brand on his cheek. I couldn't make out what it was until I looked at my wrist. He had the imprint of one of the bracelets I had on. His black t-shirt was tucked into his boxers. That's it. That's all he was wearing. 

"Um." I pushed my hair out of face. "Do you want to put on some pants?" 

He looked down. "No, not really." 

"Okay well, I need to get clean up." I walked over to the sink. "Um..." 

Jay scratched the back of his head. "Oh yea. I'll go make breakfast or something." He shuffled out of the bathroom. 

I laughed to myself as I took out my contacts and left them in a dish with some water then started to wash my face and hair. I decided to just screw everything and take a shower. 

I finished and wrapped myself with a towel and put my contacts back in. I shuffled out of the bathroom and knocked on Jay's room to see if he was there. There was no answer so I slipped in and rummaged though his clothing for something I could wear that was not stained with puke. 

I found a plain grey t-shirt and surprisingly a pair of his clean boxers that were at the back of the drawer. I looked around his room. I expected it to be covered in pictures of women in bathing suits and motorcycles with piles of clothing everywhere. 

It was more bands all over the walls and food and papers all over the floor. 

It looked a little more like my room than I thought it would. It was kinda creepy. 

I laughed to myself as I put on the clothing and put the towel away. 

I headed downstairs. I walked downstairs and Jay was staring off into space while eating his cereal. 

"Hey." I smiled and sat across from him. 

"Hey-" he looked at me. "Hey." 

"Do I get a bowl?" I asked. 

"Yea." He pushed another bowl towards me. 

I picked the spoon and begin to eat. Jay stayed quiet. 

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