🌟 L o v e L o s t 🌟

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Wilted flowers on a sunny morning, 
Blooming lively but never happy.
Perfect songs in the air,
from a bird's soul bright like the sun's glare.

Love draws a smile on a girl's face,
He feels the blood running through her veins,
Rushing, gushing, a melody in his ear.
He hears her heartbeat pulsing like the stars' flickers,
only when he's near.

Gone were the days of nights spent alone,
Gone were the times when her songs were the breaking of her voice.

He listens to her laughter,
not her cries,
for her cries fade, 
as he holds her.

Though nothing lasts forever,
he dismisses the thought with another,
of her scent in his sheets.

Despite, he has to leave,
to another world, 
where alone is a word easily forgotten.
He has leave, 
to a place no one knows exists.

She still loves and laughs, 
not knowing the lost to come.
He'll walk away, 
or maybe to a light 
No one knows,
Except the ones whose time has come.


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