Chapter 12 : Shanghai FanMeeting

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16 Februari 2016 - Beijing

"Hhheeellloooo my people ... Do you miss me ????".

Suddenly his hoarse voice burst into the training room.

"Jingyu Gege, you're late," Wenwen complained.

"You guys are coming too fast. The main artist should come later".

"Ge, even Gege Weizhou has come before us. He's also the main artist. Don't try to defend yourself, Ge". - Wenwen

"Blame Zhouzhou, why did he come too early".

Plak ... a love hit from Chen Gege that made our laughter explode.

"Ge, you're so cruel," he murmured.

"You are crueler. You are the oldest, you should be an example for them, but you come the latest instead ".

"Heheheheehe ..... sorry ......", he replied while scratching his head.

I could only shake my head to see Jingyu's childlike behavior.

"Now it's Fensong and Chenwen's turn to practice. You sit down first and learn your part. If you don't understand something, ask Weizhou". - Chen Ge

Without waiting any longer, Jingyu went straight to the place where Weizhou sat. Weizhou immediately gave the script. When Jingyu opened it, it turned out that the script was marked and there were a lot of writing like "here, you go down the stage and change clothes and then reappear", "acting while teasing Yinzi", etc. And Jingyu really recognized the writing. It's Weizhou writings.

"Thank you," Jingyu said gently. Weizhou just smiled in return.


"Don't forget, tomorrow the four of you will appear on the NetEase program and YY TV Channel team will come to our practice site the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow you will gather here at 9 am. Then Yuwei will take you there". - Chai Jie

"Jie, what kind clothes do we have to wear tomorrow?" - ChenWen

"Whatever, it's up to you. As long it will look good on you. The important thing is how they will interview you. They say they will open questions in an application for fans and will ask you directly. It's up to you to answer what is important. I only ask all of you to not harm this drama and your life. I'm sure you are old enough to choose the right answer ". - Chai Jie

"Jie, are you sure? You know, we're all new to this world (entertainment world). What if we answer wrongly or do something we shouldn't? Isn't it usually handled by both parties before? And tomorrow is Live interview, right?" , asked Weizhou confused.

"Yes, it's a Live Interview. We talked about it and that was their decision. Because this is your first interview for this drama, I want you to answer anything honestly. Because I want the audiences of this drama can see yourself as yourself, not as a Shangyin actor. I want them to see the difference or similarity between your original self and you as an actor.They (NetEase) are professionals, they know what is appropriate and not appropriate to ask, by the way, the four of you will be interviewed together, so you can protect each other if someone makes a mistake, so no need to be afraid" - Chai Jie

"Why are you taking such a risk, Jie?" - Jingyu.

"Why? You don't have confidence? Do you want to mess up all of our hard work?" - Chai Jie.

"Of course not. But I still don't understand why you did it?" - Jingyu.

"Because I believe in the four of you. During filming, I always pay attention to you. I know enough about your personality and I'm sure of my decision," she answered firmly.

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