Chapter 2 - Detention

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 The day had  finally ended and you were just leaving Care For Magical Creatures class and you almost  forgot about what  had happened this morning in potions class, that is, until Fred approached you with a cheesy grin on his face, reminding you of all that he caused to your record of being a 'good student'.

"Aye!  Y/n, you ready to be my detention buddy this evening?" He said as he put his arm around your shoulders dragging you up to the castle, you had to walk a bit faster to keep up with him. You stayed silent, yes you liked Fred...a lot in fact, but you were still kind of mad about him ruining your reputation.

He stopped walking for a moment and held your wrist so you couldn't scurry off without him. "Hey, I really mean it..i'm sorry" he said then gave you a quick, friendly hug,"did he just...hug me?! " you thought, right now you were screaming in a thousand different languages in your heart, sure he meant it as a friend sort of way, but that doesn't change the fact that you were still happy that he did.

"No hard feelings then??" he said as he began walking with you towards Professor Snape's room with you. "No hard feelings" you mumbled, he sighed with relief as you both made your way into the dark dense room of potions class.

"Mr. Weasley....Miss L/n, thank you for being on time....just sit... over there please." Professor Snape said not looking up from his papers he was grading but only pointing you two to your seats. There where a few other students, some Ravenclaw girl in the front (i'm sure she used this time just to study),  then Crabbe and Goyle in the very back with Draco in  the next front row of were guessing they picked on a first year or mouthed off to a teacher or something like that.

You both sat down and you growled quietly with frustration. Fred only looked at you lifting his eyebrows in surprise and smiled.

A few minutes passed and you became bored, at this rate you didn't care had been 4 kept a good reputation on you long enough,  it had been ruined, school was about having fun too...right?

Fred leaned over to you and whispered into your ear. "What is that?" Fred said pointing to Professor Snape.

"I don't know but I think it's human" you said trying to keep a straight face. Fred pinched his nose and turned away from you to try to prevent himself from laughing but failed letting out a snort from trying to hide his laugh.

Snape looked up at Fred, and Fred quickly played it off as if he were looking for something in his pile of books, Professor Snape stood up to help the Ravenclaw girl who had her hand up, and when he turned away from you two Fred did an impression of Snape, pretending to look angry, stone faced and folded his arms sitting with great posture.

You started snickering "That's bloody brilliant Fred". Fred fixed his face. "Really? Georgie said I did a terrible Snape impression, it's nice to have another opinion!" he said fixing his sleeves. 

"You know, it would be really funny if he tripped over her bag..." he added to his previous comment. 

Just as if on cue, he stumbled over the bag, trying to play it off as if he meant to kick her bag out of the way. you and Fred began Snickering and Snape glared over to your direction.

"I think I can predict the future Y/n!" he said greedily rubbing his hands together.

"I'm going to try something....Maybe I should try and kill off Snape!" he said looking like a child on Christmas morning. He then clasped his hands together and screwed up his face trying to concentrate as hard as he could.

"Fred!" you said laughing, gingerly smacking his arm, he chuckled softly.

"Go big or go home" he said keeping his face scrunched up in its screwed look .

"Concentrate. Concentrate. Concentrate." He recited to himself. 

"Mr. Weasley...I fail to see how looking constipated will help you on your detention assignment?" Professor Snape said walking over to you two you hurried back to writing down so it looked like you were not apart of his idea.

"Sorry Professor, I didn't think."He said unscrewing his face and going back to his half written paper.

"That's the thing Fred, You. Did. Not. Think." And smacked him on the head with his wand.

"I'm going to get head trauma if he keeps doing that," Fred says holding his head as he dipped his quill in ink. 

After an hour or so of constant whispering and giggles come from the back of the room from Draco and his 'gang' Snape finally let all of you go.

"Finally! I thought we would be in there until we graduated!" Fred said as he looked up only to  see Professor Snape in front of him and flinched, (thinking he was going to get smacked on the head again for his unnecessary comments) You both gathered your things and rushed out hoping Snape wouldn't stop you two for another talk.

You rushed forward towards your dorm and just as you were about to go in Fred stopped you.

"Oi, Y/n, This might sound weird but detention was fun today, thanks to you." he said sending a soft grin your way.

"thanks..I guess?" you said sending him a quizzical look and returned your way.

"Would you like to sit by me and George for lunch tomorrow?" he said with a hopeful look as he began walking backwards to his end of the hall for the men's dorm rooms.

"Sure! that would be great! see you then". you said blushing. 

"Sounds like a plan." He said just before turning the corner to his room he shared with George, You could already tell tomorrow was going to be interesting.

Managing Your Mischief  (A Fred Weasley x reader story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora