Chapter 8 - Unwanted Attention

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"Take it easy now, you haven't stood up in a few months now, my. You look better already!" one of the assistant nurses said helping you up, it felt weird but amazing to stand again. It's been about two months in the hospital wing, nearly 3 weeks since you've seen George or Fred, you missed them dearly. 

You began taking a few steps, walking around near your bed making your legs stronger, as you regained your legs, having them fully feeling again as if all never happened, Harry walked in with yesterday's potions homework, he widened his eyes and ran over to you placing the homework on your once sat in bed.

"Y/n!!! you're up! a-and walking!" Harry stammered.

 He went to give you a hug just as Madam Pomfrey stopped him giving him a devastated look.

"Merlin's beard mr. Potter!! I will not have you breaking her ribs all over again!" Pomfrey pushed him a bit back, Harry scratched the back of his neck awkwardly with a slight blush tinting his nose and face from her sudden scolding.

Madam Pomfrey gave you a concerning look, "Now miss, i've had you in here for a great deal of days but another will not hurt me a bit to care over for you if you feel the need t-"

"Actually, I feel quite amazing, old self and new all again..ribs are a bit sore but all is well!" You blattered out.  

"Brilliant!...I guess you can finally join us for breakfast once again?" Harry said grabbing your homework.

"S'pose so! thank you Madam Pomfrey, your aid to me is most kind." you smiled lightly.

Pomfrey smiled showing her wrinkles creasing around her eyes, "It's my job to care over all darlin, do be safe and stay clear out of that tree and all trouble while you are at it!" she shouts after you as you and Harry leave the hospital wing, the air around your hair and the sound of footsteps felt quite amazing and was something you never thought of missing until it was gone.

"Harry I can carry my homework now, I'm quite fine..honest." You say trying to reach for the papers. But harry yanked them out of the way and held them in the air away from your grasping hands.

" I've dealt you your food and grades for quite some time, one more day won't's the least I can do for my wild friend" Harry laughs.

You fake pouted leaving your hands to hang down, it was then when you noticed quite a few stares from students in your year, not only that but many in all years..whispering, staring, some first years being the dramatic selves they are and stopping in their tracks just to look at you.

Harry took quick notice and shook his head. "bit of a story has been going around about your accident, whether it's been twisted or not it's your business not theirs.." he noticed you looking rather uneasy at that.

"C'mon, breakfast will be just getting around 'bout now" he says putting his arm around your shoulder then patting you on the back as you both walk into the great hall, this was way worse.

A fair few gasped,  many whispered. Why was this such a big deal? "students get hurt all the time" you say to yourself as you and Harry walk towards the Gryffindor table, Hermione jumps at the sight of you taking place next to her.

"Y/n! it's been so long ! How are you? were you treated well? are you feeling better? how-"

"I'm alright, plenty fine Hermione, i'm feeling quite excellent!" You say in a cheery tone, trying to ward of any suspicion anything was wrong..not physically but emotionally with you and the twins, you scanned the room for them, but they were nowhere to be seen.

"Is it true!?" a Hufflepuff second year girl yells across tables.

"What??" you say looking in her general direction, Hermione tugged on your sleeve signaling for you to sit down, you took place with questionable reason, Hermione didn't look thrilled with what she had in mind to tell you, a bit against pained to say as such.  

"Well, what is it? what's this rubbish going around I have no word of?" You say impatiently.

 Hermione stammered"well you see Y/n everyone believes- "

Draco piped up. "Yeah I think it was all on purpose, but I think you deserve it much given you like to hang around that Weasl-be bunch."

"Shut up Malfoy" Ron growls as he turns around to give him a glaring warning, Draco scoffed.

"So really, he did it on purpose?" a Ravenclaw muttered.

A gryffindor chimed in. "with out her response, it seems so-

"Will everyone stop interrupting me please! I can never just talk to Y/n you all have to bloody butt in!!" Hermione yells, stopping the chatter.

"Blimey Hermione..." Ron says quietly as he  stares into his cup, not looking up to see the glare she might have been sending him.

 She huffed, "What i've been trying to say." she continues as she glares at everyone.

"Is that....everyone thinks that Fred and George set it up and tried to harm you on purpose...quiet daft really but I know it's not tr-"

"Is that so?" You hear Fred bark as he walks towards you with George trailing slowly behind with anger written across his face.

You jolt back seeing them, they had a shine in their eyes when they saw you, flickering for only a moment before they turned back to glare and everyone.

"That's not even true. Not one bit of it!" You yell standing up.

"It's fine Y/n, let it be.." George says sitting down.

"No, it isn't. They saved my life, Both Fred and George, Fred was helping me, if it weren't for them i'd be dead, so if you all could go mind your own business that would be amazing, what kinda of fake dramatic story even is that?"  You protested against the ones who looked to speak.

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fred and George looked taken aback at your outburst, you didn't look in their direction one bit. Draco didn't take this as a warning though.

"Right, so then if that's the story how come the tension so thick around you three then huh Y/n? why don't you all kiss and make up then?" He said with a snicker, with that comment Fred glared and George, George looked away clearing his throat.

Draco began snickering, you walked over towards him and he stared you down intensely smirking as well, all off his friends around him 'ooohing' at your actions, you then without a second thought smack him straight across the face watching him retaliate in shock as you then took this turn to smile as you darted off out of the room having  Daco and his 'friends' follow close behind you with Draco cursing your name behind you, the entire hall started laughing and you could hear both the twins get up and chase after, seeing in the corner of your eye Harry and Ron both stood up but Hermione sat them both down telling them if they got into the mess she would fight them too.

You darted down the halls hearing Malfoy screeching directions off to his friends to attempt to corner you, but you kept running, it was a nice start to have everything like this, you being chased by Malfoy once again, you couldn't help but smile as you continued running from the chase and hollars.

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