9: 30 pm

11 0 0

Okay because that odd number was getting on my nerves. Does anyone suffer from this thing everything that's Odd want to change it to Even?
I, decided to name it <Odd's disease! Lol! 😈>


So, recently I got into talk with my mum. She always begin to tell me such things when we're together. Like together, together. Alone together. With each other. We were just waiting for our food when she suddenly said, < Y/n, you've gotten so weak. What have you done to yourself. You don't eat good. You always eat rice. Eat chapati. It gives energy. Your cheeks have disappeared. Oh my God you've ruined yourself.> I just laughed it off at that time.

And the moment I returned home. I took a great look at myself in the mirror. I took photos of myself from different angles. And tried to find those signs of drought my mother was talking about. And I didn't. These chubby cheeks were still there. The fat around my arms and belly was still there. Everything was still there and still she was saying that I look like a corpse. She just wanted me to eat more and get fat, I guess. Or maybe I'm not able to see what her eyes see. But I'm honest my belly fat was still there. So there's no point that I've become weak. Huh!!!


• “It’s okay Mom, you don’t have to worry about me

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“It’s okay Mom, you don’t have to worry about me. I might stumble on my way in the kitchen, but I promise I won’t burn it down as I learn to cook a thing or two.

It’s okay Mom, you don’t have to worry about me. I might not be as organized as you, but I won’t live as if I’m in a cage (I promise to be extra clean when you come to visit).

It’s okay Mom, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m not the wisest young adult, but I won’t give away my trust except to those who earn it and trust myself the most.

It’s okay Mom, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m caution with love, and I’ll never give all of me to a man who doesn’t know how to treat me right - or treat you like the queen you are.

  It’s okay Mom, you don’t have to worry about me. I will be okay because you’re the one who poured your love and faith to me, the one who taught me everything, the one who shaped me into who I am today.

If I get to be half as the woman you are, I will be okay. ”

I didn't use my real name in this. But went with y/n. Sorry not sorry.
Fact is my mother is going out of station soon. So I'm missing her even before she has left. Sad life.
So fed up with my routine. All I have to do is to wake up and make to-do-list and then get myself into study.
Rants are allowed right!?
Lol! :( 😔

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