Story Time (Act Two)

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Did I ever tell you guys about the time I accidentally tossed my prop off stage?


Then you're in for a treat. This is probably one of the most hilarious things that has ever happened to me on stage. Except maybe that one time during the Wizard of Oz.

So, a few years back we did Seussical. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a Musical about Dr. Seuss Books.

Basically it's kind of like the movie that was made god knows how long ago called "Horton Hears a Who" but a little different. I won't go into further detail, so if you wanna know more about the show, Google is your new best friend.


In the show, there are the side characters called the "Bird Girls". Yes it's just as cringe worthy as it sounds.

There were... 12 of us I think, myself included. 

The costumes we had to wear consisted of a dress, a "tail" (which was just several feather boas sewed between two strips of fabric and velcro-ed together at the front, like a belt), and our props.

For the prop, we each got two "twirlers". Which were miniature versions of those ribbon stick things that dancers use... I guess? The twirler stick was about a foot long, and each girl had their own colour (mine was pink). Each of the ribbons were different pastel colours, and probably 3/4 of a foot long. So they're scaled down quite a bit.

I apologize for my inability to describe things.

Moving on. For every song we were in, there was choreography to go with it. 90% of that choreography was waving the twirlers around like cheerleaders.

Here's the funny part.

I was singing and dancing, as you do, when suddenly I lost my grip on my twirler and accidentally Tossed It Off Of The Stage.

LUCKILY  it didn't get very far. Yes it fell on the floor, but it didn't hit any audience members. Thankfully.

Of course I continued what I was doing and didn't break character. Although I really wanted to stop and apologize.

Needless to say, it was the highlight of the night, and my friends and I still laugh about it to this day.

Next up is "Story time: Act Three" wherein I will share another cringe worthy, but hopefully funny, story about that one time we preformed the Wizard Of Oz.

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