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Aspects are super specific, you HAVE to have your exact birth time minute to get the accurate aspects. Why, I changed my birthtime by 1 minute and 4 aspects disappeared and 3 new ones appeared. 

Aspects are specific to your personality. Planets, houses, you could all those general. Aspects? nono. Aspects are the angle/degree of relationship between planets. Here are the major aspects:


-Conjunct: can be beneficial or negative, depends on the planets involved. A powerful clash of energy. (Eg: moon conjunct mars=soft moon + agressive mars=bad. Eg: Venus  conjunct ASC=Love + appearance= good)

-Sextile: slightly beneficial, opportunity, chance

-Trine: very beneficial; harmony

-Square: non beneficial; discord

-Opposition: non-beneficial; challenging

There is also quincunx, a minor aspect but some people consider it to be a major aspect. Quincunx is bad also, just FYI.

the degrees is saying the degrees differences from the planets

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the degrees is saying the degrees differences from the planets. EG: Venus is at 180 degrees in opposition to mars.  (don't worry about the aspects from inconjunct and below just yet)

You can find your aspects on or If you're a beginner I'd recommend 

Next lesson will be using aspects

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