Artistic Placements

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The artsiest signs: PISCES, taurus, libra  (water signs--pisces, scorpio, cancer are typically more artsy compared to other elements)

The artsy planets: venus, moon, neptune


---If your venus/moon/neptune is in one of the artsy zodiacs, that's good news for you. 

---If the 3 planets have any positive aspects with each other (eg. venus trine moon), that is also a bonus.

--A quintile is a minor aspect that signals talent in an area. It could be an artistic talent if it's with venus, moon, or neptune (use, find your minor aspects and look for a quintile) 

Artsy Houses:

3rd house of communications: visual arts, literary arts, perhaps choral too 

5th house of creativity & fun: Performing arts

If you have any of the previous mentioned planes & signs in these houses, that's extra good for an artistic placement. 

Few more things...

--You also want to take a look at which house your venus/Neptune/moon is placed. The 12th house is deep, mysterious, & thoughtful--which may be beneficial for visual arts. 

--If your venus, nep or moon is badly aspected or in not-as-artsy placements, the 2 others could balance it out or not, depending on their placements too. 

Venus: artsiness 

Moon: artistic depth & deeper level of creativity, sensing & feeling

Neptune: imagination

Next lesson will be on Asteroids (gotta finish dem basic infos)

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