The Beginning

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It's my first day in the entirely unfamiliar Ryme City— I've never been somewhere with so many people, and pokemon, roaming the streets before. In my hands I'm cradling my phone with directions to my new job's office. I'm supposed to meet the head detective, Pikachu, in less than 10 minutes and I seem to be lost. Buildings tower over me and melt together in my mind, none particularly standing out to me. Someone pushes by me on the sidewalk, cursing about tourists as they disappear once more into the crowd. I sigh and take a left onto a new avenue, hoping for the best.

I'm almost 30 minutes late when I finally arrive at the doorstep of my new office. My hand shakes as I raise it and knock lightly on the hardwood door. It's silent for a few moments and just as I'm about to leave, the knob turns and the door pulls open. I'm confused for a moment when seemingly no one is there, and then I glance down and see him— a small pokemon the size of a toddler.

"Hello," he says. His voice is much deeper than expected, and it startles me. It's raspy and sultry, even a little sexy if I'm being honest. "My name is Pikachu. I'm the head detective of this firm. You must be (y/n)."

I blink, lost for words. "Uh..." I stammer out. "Y-Yeah. That's me. I'm so sorry I'm late, that makes such a terrible first impression. You see, I got lost, and..."

"It's okay," he interrupts, smiling fondly at me. He reaches up and takes my hand in his soft paw, shaking it firmly. His paw lingers for a few moments more than necessary before he lets go. "Let's get you all settled in, then, shall we?"

Detective Pikachu x Reader (Smut) ((NSFW))Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant