chapter 2

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Ruby POV:

I woke up like any other day then got off of my bed and went to the bathroom to get myself ready for the day.

Ruby: I wish gold was here.

I walked out of the bathroom with a towel around my body and got my clothes then notice my teammates waking up.

Ruby: Good morning.

Yang: Morning rubes.

Weiss: Morning.

Blake: Morning.

Ruby: Is everyone ready for today?

They noded as they got themselves ready for our classes but I wish it was the weekend so I can hung out with Gold I wonder how he's doing but my thoughts were cut off from yang shaking me.

Yang: Ruby did you hear us?

Ruby: No sorry what we're you guys saying?

Yang: We said we should go and find who ever we saw last night.

Ruby: Sounds fun and a great idea.

Weiss: Yes but first week must all go to class.

Me and yang both groan when Weiss mention class I would had always spend my class with gold but without him I hate classes.

Ruby: Do we have too? Their so boring!

Yang: Yeah especially with Mr pop.

Ruby: *giggles and snorts* Mr pop.

Blake: *smiles softly* I could see why you would call him that Yang.

As me and my team left our dorm and walked over to our class but as we did I saw a golden cape with a strange symbol on the back of it.

(The symbol 👇)

But for some strange reason I felt like I've seen it from somewhere before I just ignored it and kept walking with my teammate

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But for some strange reason I felt like I've seen it from somewhere before I just ignored it and kept walking with my teammate.

Ruby: I wonder what 'leason' he's going to give us on today.

Yang: Well what ever it is I'm pretty sure I'll fall asleep.

Me and Blake giggled a bit knowing it was true while Weiss just being Weiss ignored us when we got in our class and sat above team jnpr.

Jaune: Hey guys.

Nora: Hello.

Ren: Hey.

pyrrha: *careful* Hello.

Ruby: Did he started his leason yet?

Nora: Nope.

Ruby: Oh ok.

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