Chapter 2: Love Rectangle?

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Scorpio POV:

"Will you please be my boyfriend?", said the girl in front of me.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested," I replied calmly.

I turned around and walked back to my class so I didn't have to watch her throw a fit. She would either cry, or tell me that I'm a jerk, or just blink in surprise.

This has been the fifth confession I got from a girl this month, and honestly, I think it's crazy. I'm not really into having a relationship, but there's always a stupid rumor going on that I like someone, and so a random girl comes up to me with a letter and a confession for their "love" for me.

And when I answer "no", they get all fussy and say "Why did you lead me on?". I tell them that I didn't and if I helped them or something it was just out of kindness. So if anyone does something nice for you, does that automatically mean that they love you? I really wish I could say that to them.

I just wish that the girl I do like would ask me, but then she just has to be the one who doesn't love me.

Ugh, life can be so annoying sometimes.


Libra POV:


I grabbed my things and raced out of class to meet up with Gemini.

"Hey, Gemini!" I said, trying to get his attention.

But Gemini ignored me and kept walking, like as if he didn't hear me at all.

"What's wrong?"

I turned around to see a short girl with blonde hair looking at me.

"Oh hey Cancer," I sighed, shaking my head from side to side.

Other than Gemini, Cancer was also one of my best friends. We've been close friends since 5th grade.

"So what happened?" she asked, worry filling her green eyes.

"Gemini is ignoring me," I replied as we walked towards our lockers.

"Do you know why?"

"Well ever since I started talking about Scorpio he got super quiet,"

"Do you like Scorpio?"


"No wonder." Cancer giggled and looked at me.

"What do you mean?" I looked back at her, confused.

"Nevermind," she turned around and went to her class.



Scorpio POV:

I walked out of Science and my eyes immediately spotted Cancer.

Her hair was flowing behind her and I could hear her honey-like voice getting louder and louder as I walked closer and closer to her.

I tried to muster up the courage to go up and talk to her but as soon as I was behind her all my nerves attacked me at once and I ended up taking a turn to the bathroom instead of the locker area.

Scorpio, I berated myself, you need to tell her soon.


Later in the day....

Gemini POV:

When I opened my locker a note flew out of it.

"What the.."

Only one person knew my locker combination... I read this:



Sit next to me at lunch and nobody gets hurt.

-See you at lunch!!

Libra :)


The "love" part made my heart skip a beat before I shook my head. Like she'd ever think of me that way. 

"Oh boy, I'm dead," I muttered as I closed my locker and headed to the cafeteria. I knew that ignoring her would just make her angry but I had still tried to ignore her. It didn't last very long.

I walked to the table where Libra was sitting. She saw me instantly.

"Uh hi, Libra," said, acting innocent.

"Sit," she snapped, pointing to the seat next to her.

I hesitantly took my seat and prayed that my ears wouldn't bleed.

"GEMINI HOW DARE YOU IGNORE ME!!!," she screamed.

"I didn't hear you?" I said, trying to escape from my consequences.

"Sure," Libra sarcastically replied.

"Sorry for ignoring you Libra," I apologized, tiredly.

"It's fine, Gemini." She forgave me easily (I think she just wanted to hear me say sorry) and held her hand, palm up, in a silent gesture.

I reluctantly handed the cookie and watched as she snatched it from me and gave me a goofy grin.


"Hmmm?" She was taking a tiny bite out of the cookie - trying to "savor it." I never understood that. I've always thought it was better to eat the whole thing as quickly as possible - you'd have more time for other food and you'd get the flavor of the whole thing.


A/N: Sorry for not posting lately. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. 


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