Sagittarius (f) x Capricorn (f) Chapter 1

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A/N: This story was requested by _April_Flowers_ !

Hope you enjoy this story! Thanks for requesting it!


Sagittarius POV:

I parked my car and slammed the door shut. I looked up to see the building I was going to live in.

YES, finally free! Living alone, going to college, driving in my new car, and partying all I want. This is the freedom I've been wanting for so long. YAS!

I lifted the black suitcase from the trunk and dragged it up to my room. I took the keys to my apartment out and unlocked the door. As I dragged my suitcase into the room I realized something was out of place. There already was furniture and items placed in the apartment.

Wait - did I ask if I was going to live alone? How did I forget to ask that?

I decided to look around the place to make sure I wasn't in someone else's apartment. But then again, the keys wouldn't have worked if I was in the wrong room.

I decided to leave everything in its place and call the owner of the place to ask him if something had changed.

"Hello? Umm, this is Sagittarius, the girl that was moving into room 178." I nervously said as I leaned against the counter.

"Ahh, yes. The girl that seemed way too excited, what's the problem?" the man chuckled.

"Uh sir, was I supposed to have a roommate? Because I see furniture and items in the apartment," I asked.

"Ohh, haha, yes. However, don't worry it's a girl so you'll be fine. She moved in last week," he assured.

Wait what?....gosh..really...

My nonexistent luck is really going to be the death of me.

"Oh, really? Thank you! I was just worried. Thank you again."

I ended the phone call and rested my forehead on my palms.

I can't believe this is actually happening to me.


Capricorn POV:

"Thank you for your purchase! Come again!," thanked the middle aged woman who just helped me with my purchase.

"Have a great night!" I beamed as I left the grocery store. I carried my bags into the car and drove to my new apartment.

I was used to living alone, after all both, my parents were quite busy people and I always ended up staying home with my older brother when they went on business trips. My brother would always call his friends over to play video games or go out with them on parties. I was excited when my parents told me that I could move out of the house for college. Even though our house was relatively close to the university, they thought that teaching me to live alone was very important. But it's not like I needed it.

I carried my bags up the stairs and opened my room and opened the door to see a mess all over. Suitcases were scattered all over and half-empty boxes covered the living room.

Oh, she must have come already.

I sighed as I started to put my groceries away and started to clean up. I wasn't going to expect someone else to clean when I could do it myself. I pulled up my sleeves, plugged in my earbuds, and blasted music into my ears as I cleaned the mess of my new roommate.


A/N: Hope you guys liked this chapter! Lately, I've been posting and I am very sorry for that. My exams are coming up and I have a lot of studying to do, I'm going to make sure I post as much as I can before they start. See you guys soon!

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